Galeton Pa.



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Ox Yoke it started, Galeton Dump, a man and his black dog, picnic area above, Frommes, Smittys, mouth of Phoenix, Watrous from Cedar Run, Owassee, Pone Creek, West Branch, Luymann Lake, West Pike, Gennesee Forks, Brookland Club, barn on left after restaurant, Carbon Plant, Bridge at Forks and Pine, above , below, above and beyond!

Did i miss any brother, airport, in the hills! Mom and Pa. the good old days.

Did i miss it, or did i do it!

How about that guy! Ray Teats, Emporium, The adjustable Minnow Rig!

I saw a set on ebay, 5 packs for -------- Little.

Gaines poppers, do you remember the good old boys. Eugene from Frommes Acres, died young. Eugenie, his wife i hope is ------?

Permastone, a fixture in my mind with that small hound mounted!

The leek festivals. Ramps to you1

Can't understand the Maxima12, well you were not there! That's why!

Sabinsville, lets talk about the fire engine that went south! Fact or fiction. I was lucky, always lucky, to fit in. Galeton Fireworks with a bunch of St A, church bazzar!

Galeton, the perfect people at the perfect time!

Fried Chicken at the Galeton Supermarket, good subs and also had a little bit of sporting goods, Bought hip boots there! Hard to get my friends there! Guess they are afraid of being "Reborn".

It is not the same different to me but my vision has never been clearer!

Sportsman Heaven, yep, that's right! Hat's off to the North! The guy with the beard and some front teeth missing in Germania, store! He might be gone but i sure did like him! But i liked all from that area!

Lucky i was! Take it home till death! Brothers of the blood!

Point is, the vast awaits you heer in Pa. You will never experience the total. Not enough time in life! My take is get a little. You will be happy forever!

maxima12 wrote:
Fried Chicken at the Galeton Supermarket, good subs and also had a little bit of sporting goods, Bought hip boots there! Hard to get my friends there! Guess they are afraid of being "Reborn".

It is not the same different to me but my vision has never been clearer!

Sportsman Heaven, yep, that's right! Hat's off to the North! The guy with the beard and some front teeth missing in Germania, store! He might be gone but i sure did like him! But i liked all from that area!

Lucky i was! Take it home till death! Brothers of the blood!


He has teeth now!
maxima12 wrote:
Fried Chicken at the Galeton Supermarket, good subs and also had a little bit of sporting goods, Bought hip boots there! Hard to get my friends there! Guess they are afraid of being "Reborn".

It is not the same different to me but my vision has never been clearer!

Sportsman Heaven, yep, that's right! Hat's off to the North! The guy with the beard and some front teeth missing in Germania, store! He might be gone but i sure did like him! But i liked all from that area!

Lucky i was! Take it home till death! Brothers of the blood!


He has teeth now!
maxima12 wrote:
Ox Yoke it started, Galeton Dump, a man and his black dog, picnic area above, Frommes, Smittys, mouth of Phoenix, Watrous from Cedar Run, Owassee, Pone Creek, West Branch, Luymann Lake, West Pike, Gennesee Forks, Brookland Club, barn on left after restaurant, Carbon Plant, Bridge at Forks and Pine, above , below, above and beyond!

Did i miss any brother, airport, in the hills! Mom and Pa. the good old days.

Did i miss it, or did i do it!


How about Marty & Ruth down at Oleona.

and Jack at Halloran's Hardware in Coudy !
maxima12 wrote:
How about that guy! Ray Teats, Emporium, The adjustable Minnow Rig!

I saw a set on ebay, 5 packs for -------- Little.

Gaines poppers, do you remember the good old boys. Eugene from Frommes Acres, died young. Eugenie, his wife i hope is ------?

Permastone, a fixture in my mind with that small hound mounted!

The leek festivals. Ramps to you1


I do miss Tom at Gaines Poppers. He had all those original b&w photographs of Joe Brooks hanging in the shop! Would stop by & not be able to leave for hours! He always gave me a bag full of poppers when I was leaving! One day he shows up a my shop with one of those 15-20 gallon carboard barrels full of mallard feathers! Says do you want them I'm going to throw them away. I took them. Now if he still has them I pass them on to sandfly.
still have some,
Some of these topics sound like they would be pretty interesting, if there were more details.

Galeton Pa. the hub of outdoor adventure. Fly fishing at best. The catch of Trout is only outweighed by the catch of fine people there.

Regular folks not all caught up in todays world. Home cooked meals, smiles and handshakes. Only Trump in Galeton is the card in your hand!

Marty and Ruth Godra, Oleana Pa. Operated a small store, gas station, great burgers. Marty, outfitter, guide from Maine was known to jump out of a boat and ride a Moose, swimming across the lake.

I asked, "Marty, are you crazy? No.", he replied. "Crazy would be not getting off before the Moose reached shore".

Dave at the Galeton Sporting Goods. Yes, Hallorans Hardware in Coudersport. Above in Roulette, a small shop in a garage, Punk Knell, Knells Sporting Goods, Port Allegheny.

What i am trying to say. Memories of fish caught has faded. Memories of good people have lasted me a lifetime!

I say, "best wishes to you and family", Road was long and path was crooked, you all showed me the best in life and with that, All My Respect.

Perfect people at the perfect time.
maxima12 wrote:

Marty and Ruth Godra, Oleana Pa. Operated a small store, gas station, great burgers. Marty, outfitter, guide from Maine was known to jump out of a boat and ride a Moose, swimming across the lake.

I asked, "Marty, are you crazy? No.", he replied. "Crazy would be not getting off before the Moose reached shore".

I remember going in that store and having a burger and listening to Marty tell stories about Maine. Nice!

"Stonys" store in Cross Fork was a fun spot too.
Yup.. Stony's was a fun place to kill an hour or so if it was raining too hard to fish. Some of the papers in my file cabinet of memories are starting to fade, so I'm not always sure if I am remembering things right. I think though that Stoney used to tell me he drove truck at one time and used to set his schedule up so he could follow the hatches up the Appalachian spine, starting with the Quill Gordons in GA in March and coming north from there until he hit the drakes in the Adirondacks in June. Or maybe he was having me on..

Here's another one that I'm not sure if I have it right or not. Was there a motel on the north side of Route 6 right around West Pike but still a bit west of Galeton? This would have been in the 80's, I think. It wasn't there very long, maybe 6-8 years at most. I'm not thinking of the motel/gift shop at the junction of PA 449 and US 6. This was another place... I used to stay there fairly often while it was in biz. The guy used to come knock on my door after I had checked in to remind me he had the Playboy channel on the satellite. By the time I got there, I didn't much care about that. All I wanted to do was sleep and get up again and go fish some more.

There's probably a book in all the budget motels I've stayed in while fishing in PA. I checked into the Clintonian in Flemington one time. You had to go into the bar to do the room transaction. I filled out the registration card and and the guy gave me my key and then he asked me if I wanted soap. I said, umm sure.. and he reached under the bar and pulled out one of those dinky travel/motel bars of Ivory and gave it to me. That always cracked me up. Evidently, they were trying to save on how much soap they handed out...
RLeep2 wrote:
Yup.. Stony's was a fun place to kill an hour or so if it was raining too hard to fish. Some of the papers in my file cabinet of memories are starting to fade, so I'm not always sure if I am remembering things right. I think though that Stoney used to tell me he drove truck at one time and used to set his schedule up so he could follow the hatches up the Appalachian spine, starting with the Quill Gordons in GA in March and coming north from there until he hit the drakes in the Adirondacks in June. Or maybe he was having me on..

He told me something similar.

I remember that he had an aquarium in the store with mayfly nymphs and a screen over the top, to keep the emerged mayflies from flying away.

These small stores had such an individual character. Now people go to Sheetz, which are all the same. With all those bright lights and red plastic...
Right you are... A big part of the experience for me was stopping in to see the various eccentrics and good people (they were pretty much all good people..) that manned the shops. It was great entertainment.

I don't go to Sheetz any more. Every Sheetz I've ever seen has been Chaos Central regardless of what time of day I went there. I think they hire a bunch of people to just mill around and yell and honk their horns in order to keep the chaos level high. They can have it; it's not for me...
In much of rural PA, the Sheetz store is the social center of the area.

When Sheetz disappears, people will probably look back nostalgically...
troutbert wrote:
In much of rural PA, the Sheetz store is the social center of the area.

When Sheetz disappears, people will probably look back nostalgically...

So true (sigh).

While I'm more fond of Sheetz than RLeep. . . I agree that it symbolizes the entire box chain culture that has long since replaced mom and pop businesses and the local charm and personal connection they produced.
RLeep2 wrote:

Here's another one that I'm not sure if I have it right or not. Was there a motel on the north side of Route 6 right around West Pike but still a bit west of Galeton? This would have been in the 80's, I think. It wasn't there very long, maybe 6-8 years at most. I'm not thinking of the motel/gift shop at the junction of PA 449 and US 6. This was another place... I used to stay there fairly often while it was in biz. The guy used to come knock on my door after I had checked in to remind me he had the Playboy channel on the satellite. By the time I got there, I didn't much care about that. All I wanted to do was sleep and get up again and go fish some more.


That was the West Pike Motor Lodge. It caught fire in Feb. 2010. It was torn down after that.