Furled Leaders Book



New member
May 26, 2010
Has anyone read the book about making Furled Leaders?

I am considering purchasing it and wanted to get an opinion. I have been fly tying for a while and I want to start making furled leaders to make my set up even more homemade. I also heard furled leaders are awesome.

Thanks for your advice in advance.

I love furled leaders, havent started furling my own yet, but hope to next winter.

You may want to check out Kathy Scott's DVD, it is supposed to be very good. You have to buy directly from her

I have this DVD its a little cheesy but it shows all the steeps in making your own http://flyanglersonline.com/prorevw/kathyscott.php
What is the saying about great minds Fred?
I decided to buy the book last night. I will let you know what I think. Thanks for your advise though.
Well between this thread and a friend of mine who truly is a world class fly/spey fisherman. I think I need to at least go out and buy one. Then move on to rolling my own. J.E., my friend down the road from me has been telling me about them for the past number of years. I do tie some of my own tapered leaders and have custom tuned them to my needs. I guess I'll take the next step. Thanks guys. Good info and it's got me think'n.
I received the book and I am really pleased with it. it even includes a couple of chapters about changing the leader designs to fit your style of fishing. I also like the way the author created the jig, it is much better than the other jigs I have seen on the internet. Overall I would recommend the book.
Still never tried a furled leader yet. Someday.
I find casting the long furled leaders easier than the knotted mono. But once I get a wind knot it's all over for that leader.