furled leader and tippet



New member
Jul 5, 2007
i just bought a blue sky furled leader adn i was wondering how do you tie a tippet to the leader with a hoop do you just tie a loop on tippet . also what is a max length you should use for a tippet is 24 in to long since the leader is only 5 ft and some change
I do a loop to loop to a section of 3x. depending on whether I'm dry fly fishing or nymphing, this could be anywhere from 16" to 30"+.

To that I attach a section of 5x, usually about 2'. If I need a finer tippet, I'll clip the 5x down to 1' and add a section of 6x or 7x... about 10 or 15 inches of that.

So basically, the formula is furled leader->loop to loop with 3x->blood knot to 5x->whatever you want depending on conditions/tactics/casting style.
I've been using furled leaders exclusively for some time and you got good advice above.

I'm a little simple minded - so I tie on whatever tippett I'm going to use. 3x, 5x, 7x, etc - in a loop-to-loop. I don't use a step down at all. Don't see a need for it.

Max length is a controversial subject. I make my tippett length "as long as I need it". Basically, cast with the fly (weight) and cut back until it stops flopping down and rolls out. That's your max length of tippett for that fly/tippett combination.

If you want a rule of thumb, that's going to be hard. I use either a 3', 4' or 5' furled leader and tippet anywhere from 3' to 5' in length depending on the fly. It all depends on the turn over I want and the conditions/fly combination.
I wholly agree with SonofMartin.......... "Tie on and cut back, until the fly rolls out...........".
Personally, I've stopped using furled leaders, due to weight and fighting the algae build up they can cause. (On still water, of course, not so much on moving). Instead, for even better effect, roll and presentation, I've started using the "Ploy-Pro" shooting, one piece, fore-leaders. Same theory. more or less, but with silk smooth finish and no weave or furl to catch up on micro-debris. They come in various lengths, to which you merely use a loop to loop, for your final tippet choice. They're "coated" in a soft poly, which makes them turn over ten times easier than a furled leader ever will.
In fact, try this................take a furled leader, a regular leader and a Poly Pro, tie on your favorite tippet....... a fly, then actually cast the leaders.... BEFORE attaching to a fly line! You can actually cast a Poly Pro, yes, it'll turn your fly over which isn't easily done with the other leaders!?! No, I don't sell them, I just really really like these new leaders and after 28 years of throwing the long rod, I've pretty well "tried 'em all"!!
thanks for the help all u guys here are very helpful and fast
I have a Blue Sky furled leader also. The instructions that came with mine say to tie on a 6-8" length of tippet using a clinch knot ( size depends on which furled leader you have ). Then tie additional tippet the regular way ie. surgeon's knot. I imagine using a piece of tippet with a loop would work also.

Absolutely that will work. I use a surgeon's knot to create a loop. Then I simply loop-to-loop with my furled leader. I have also used a perfection to create the loop.

What I have learned with furled leaders is "don't make it too complicated". There is nothing mystical about them. After taking the technical / complicated route with fly fishing for many years, I have changed to the 'simpler-is-better' approach and enjoying it a whole lot more.

Tie on 6x, 5x, 2x, whatever you want to the end of the FURLED leader. Use a loop-to-loop and fish it. KISS principle applies.
watch how the loop goes on the metal ring, it can build friction and break..one of the reasons we dont make em with the metal..
Blue Sky has no metal ring, just a small loop. Never tried the metal ring type. Always Blue Sky for me.