Fur and Feathers


New member
Aug 5, 2007
I have come into a full raccoon pelt, and tail. The only problem was that when I came into it was it was still attached to the raccoon. I cleared it with the PA-GC. And have followed their recommendations on cleaning.

I read online that an recomeded method is to freese it for a month, take it out and let it come back up to room temp, then freese it down again. This "Should" kill any bugs in the pelt/fur.

Now after that I was going to go old school on it, streatch scrape and salt. But there are some things about this procedure I dont like.

1) no matter how well you clean it there is always some salt left on the hide/fur

2) The formentioned salt will draw moister over time depending on the enviroment.

So i was wondering if anyone had a better home based procedure?

I am trying to stay away from the taxadermy office for a pelt of dubbing.

Tells how to tan the hide with or without the hair.

Outstanding pdf, thank you very much

borax is fine, salt will dry and shrink a hide to much..we use borax on all georges hides from trapping...makes them soft and pliable...