Fun with Carp


Well-known member
May 9, 2011
So last Friday my brother and I fished the Shenango River. We both caught a few smallmouths, 1 white bass, and even a leftover trout, but since the fishing was kinda on the slow side I decided to try to catch some carp that were feeding in some shallow riffles. I always see carp all over the river, but never actually targeted them since I'm always after other fish, so this was one of my first times actually casting to some carp here and being successful. I ended up hooking up with 2 on glo bugs. What a blast! Before Friday I only ever caught 2 on the fly rod, and now I caught 2 in a day! Even managed to catch a nice redhorse sucker too.

Saturday the main plan was to get the boat out to a local lake, unfortunately(or maybe fortunately in this case), the boat didn't start up, so instead of not going fishing that day, we decided to head back to the river. This time all I targeted was carp, and was rewarded with 4 more! 3 ate the glo bug and I got one with just lots of fuzzy dubbing on a hook(Walt's Worm?). It was funny how the other guys were looking at us weird fishing the shallow water where people would just wade through, and then they would see our rods bent with 20+in. fish taking drag. Had a great time both days, and one of the fish almost took me into the backing on the initial run. If I didn't follow him it would have. Can't wait to head back to the river again.

Oh and my dad said the boat started up just fine at home, figures.



Nice post. It's time for me to head out after those golden bones really soon.
Thanks. Here's a vid I put together with pics and some underwater footage. The net job on the first fish isn't great, the fish ended up getting between my brother and I and every time he would get near either of us he would run again lol. I got him in the net though. Not professional filming by any means, but hope you enjoy...

That one carp looked bigger than the kid holding it nice video makes me itching to go after some carp :-D
Cool video, sure looks like you all had a good time.
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