Fun Weekend in Central PA



New member
Aug 3, 2020
Was fishing the George Harvey section of Spruce Creek yesterday and my friend hustled back up the path to the parking lot to show me some fresh looking bear tracks on the path from the parking lot where I had just walked. After showing the third friend from our group he exclaimed that he thought he heard “huffing” sounds in the brush nearby. Yikes! I do want to see a bear, but preferably not that close.

We only spent a couple hours on this small section and landed a couple of really small (almost fingerling) wild browns. Beautiful water, but it seems like very tough fishing.

Saturday was spent on the little J. We arrived at Rothrock around 10 AM and fished just above the first RR bridge. The flows were just under 500 cfs and the wading was very difficult. I was able to land a few small browns on an pheasant tail jig nymph with an orange hot spot and partridge and orange wet flies. Orange/yellow seemed to be the ticket with sporadic sulfurs popping off throughout the day.

We then headed up to “Nadines” property in hopes of catching an evening hatch. Several regulars showed up at the parking lot and said that the stream has been on fire lately and the magic starts after 5 pm. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any magic but I did land one nice 14” brown on a sulfur dry fly. It was rewarding because I had to throw a 20’ cast a foot off of the opposite bank while balancing on boulders in 500 cfs flows.

A fun trip overall, but these big name wild brown trout streams are tough for beginners. We headed to a nearby class A to try to get our numbers up and landed some nice brookies and surprisingly a really nice wild brown.


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