Frog Hair Leader Kit



Active member
Dec 3, 2009
Does anybody on here use Frog Hair tippet or more specifically use the Frog Hair Leader tying kit offered through Cabelas? I am very interested in what everyone thinks of the kit and the tippets.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Frog Hair Leader Kit
I have a few spools of froghair tippet 5x-7x.I haven't used it much, but I think I will this year...I would imagen a froghair leader would be ideal for slack line presentations..
Nice stuff but expensive
I received one as a gift 5 or 6 years ago. I like it and still use the tool. It does make a good slack line leader.
i will second fredrick , i have used it and still do , it is a thinner diameter to strength ratio , for example the 2x frog hair is .009 diameter @11.1 lb test , rio's 3x is .008 diameter @8.2lb test & frog hairs 3x is .008 diameter too and break strength of 8.5 lb , heres the biggest fo all , .007 diameter which is considered 4x by frog hair has a break strength of 6.2 lbs , while most .007 diameter lines have a 4 lb break strength , now its up to everyone to decide whether or not u can believe their claims to break strength or not , i believe it. i really like the seagar leader material in fluor 6lb , stuff will drag trees out of the water , bring in steel in freezing temps too !
It might just be me (probably is..), but I've noticed a fair amount of knot slippage with frog hair, both section to section and at the fly.

This is with a triple surgeon on the sections and a uni-knot at the fly.

But like I say, it might just be me. I might not be holding my mouth right or I may need to stand on one foot when I'm tying knots..
Knots slip for me as well with frog hair. Really discouraged me with it at first.

Just adding a few extra turns helped my knots. Instead of making say, 4 wraps with my Rio I'll use 5 wraps or more with the frog hair to prevent the knot failure.

Especially with blood knots.
Thanks guys for the feedback. I've heard mostly positive reviews so far.

bloods or surgeons (leader-leader) improved clinch for fly , never had a problem