Friday outing



Feb 6, 2013
I think I may take a half day outing on Friday and enjoy some fishing. I am trying to figure out where and what I should fish for.

This time of year, do I hit the YB and trout fish or is there a place I can wade and bass fish? I am looking to stay within about 1 hour from Harrisburg.

Plenty of places to wade for bass
Never got out. Thinking I can make up for it Friday
Why don't you get out a map, and/or take a drive, find a stream that looks good, and fish it?

Exploring, and the learning that comes with it, are two of the main parts of this sport.
Thanks. I was thinking I would just drive but was hoping for some advice. I love to explore new areas, and I am thinking a good location can be shared so I can take the correct gear.

Limited time is my big issue
This time of year, do I hit the YB and trout fish or is there a place I can wade and bass fish? I am looking to stay within about 1 hour from Harrisburg.

Pretty sure this spot is within an hour of Harrisburg.



Great photo.

Take me to the river, take me to the river...

Great photo.

Take me to the river, take me to the river...

Yeah, found it via the googles....saw an aerial shot of the narrows at a TU chapter presentation, "there's more there than you could fish in a lifetime" was what the presenter said about it....truth.
Where is that? Looks like I need to go
The star on the map beside the Dauphin Narrows label.

That is not Ellis Island in the middle of the water body.
Is the wading tricky in that area?
I've fished there a fair bit (for someone who lives in Centre Cty.)

Yes, the wading is rough. But when the water is low, we've walked nearly the whole way across the river.

There are some gravelly sections that are easier walking. But also some places with very irregular footing. Take your time, move slowly. (And don't drink alcohol until you're done fishing.)

It's good to work your way back towards shore towards dusk. And fish near-shore areas when it gets dark.

It wouldn't be a good idea to be wading out there in mid-river when it's full dark.

For anyone who lives in the area and has never fished there, just go. The photo tells the story. It's a fantastic place. Start fishing there and you won't feel the urge to make the long drive to Spring Creek to catch 10 inch trout so often.

I’ve driven by it who knows how many times and thought…”Wow, I should fish there sometime,” and still haven’t.

For the regulars, what would you consider a safe wading level on the Harrisburg gauge? What would be considered low? I’m assuming generally speaking lower is better, except for extreme heat waves.
I heard the wading there was difficult.....wait and I'll drive 30 to double check. Yep, it's tough. Especially around the exposed ridge rocks. 6" of water might drop into 4' of water in one step.

I've waded it close to 4' on hbg gauge. I also did some dog paddling to get back to shore. 3.6' and less for anyone in good shape that doesn't mind a little swimming if necessary
From Halifax south to the 322 bridge, below the bridge is big water and a lot of drop offs AKA holes, above bridge mostly around 3-4 feet deep depending on water conditions
Donegal springs , yellow breeches, middle creek, Stoney creek all around Harrisburg for trout
I ended up trying the Swatty by Hosses. Caught 1 Bass and enjoyed...
I'm curious to where you can legally park your vehicle to fish this section? I did some exploring one day on my way to fish up around Clemson Island and only was able to locate the spot that looked very legal. But as the crow flies it was at least a mile up river.

If anyone is interested you get off at the Stony Creek/Dauphin exit and drive for about 1/2 mile. Then you turn left, then there is a stop street, continue until you can't go any further. Then turn right, go one block until you see an underpass on the left (you go under 322) take that left turn and drive until you see a sign that says something like "Park behind the yellow lines".