Freestone App



New member
Jul 24, 2018
It appears that my personal favorite app for tracking stream flows is no longer operational. Truly bummed... but the Freestone app was terrific. From what I know, it was only available to iphone users, so I'm sure some of you have no knowledge of it.

But does anyone else use this app? If so, are you able to log into it?

For anyone... what apps are you using to track stream flows?

Besides Freestone being a very visually appealing app... it allowed you to add streams/rivers to your favorites list so that you didn't have to waste time searching for your target water. I have dozens of my regular fisheries stored in there.

Any input would be appreciated!
Simply adding the desired USGS gauge site pages to my mobile bookmarks and that has served me well. I have many streams from several states saved in my bookmarks.

I have also added the UGSG gauge site links to my custom google maps.

What additional functionality did this app add?
Same, except the links to custom google maps.
I have my river flows in a folder, that way they are all together.



Thanks for the feedback, guys. Not as functional or convenient as the app, but certainly gets the job done. It's how I used to do it before I found the Freestone app. There are some other apps out there that I will tinker with. I'll report back if they have more functionality than simply saving bookmarks.

With Freestone... every bit of data you could possibly want to know was truncated into a single view. Flows (could easily cycle between daily, weekly, monthly, annually), water temp if available, whether it was rising or falling, the rate of change in flow, weather, etc. IF I can figure out how to post images here.... I'll share an old screenshot I have of the app to give you an idea.

I've got "River Data" on my iPhone. It's real bare bones and does the job, at least when I have cell service.
I use the "Floodwatch" app.
RiverApp is where it's at...

Not being argumentative or in disagreement with anyone but since I am a huge fan of function and conveinance, I tried all of the apps listed and a few more. I’m not seeing it. I thought all of the apps were very lacking and less than the regular old USGS charts. I noted most of the apps only had a few gauge choice of the waterways. The Delaware river didn’t list any of the gauges I use. Perhaps there was a way to add gauges but I didn’t see it in any app so it’s not easier or more convenient. Perhaps you have to pay up.

I should have kept track of the ones I tried but I didn’t. I did hit all of the apps mentioned here and then some as well as a couple fish loggers.

The Freestone app screen shot looks great but I didn’t find any equivalent.
I just go to the DRBC web site to see all of the gauge stations and historical info in Pa in one location. If it was good enough for a work environment, it was certainly good enough for fishing. It’s the KISS principle.
“GAGE Stations” Mr. Mike?

Nice suggested apps, I was just using USGS. Thanks fellas.
Search the comparative definitions of gauge vs gage.
poopdeck wrote:
Not being argumentative or in disagreement with anyone but since I am a huge fan of function and conveinance, I tried all of the apps listed and a few more. I’m not seeing it. I thought all of the apps were very lacking and less than the regular old USGS charts. I noted most of the apps only had a few gauge choice of the waterways. The Delaware river didn’t list any of the gauges I use. Perhaps there was a way to add gauges but I didn’t see it in any app so it’s not easier or more convenient. Perhaps you have to pay up.

I should have kept track of the ones I tried but I didn’t. I did hit all of the apps mentioned here and then some as well as a couple fish loggers.

The Freestone app screen shot looks great but I didn’t find any equivalent.

Huh, that's interesting. I never had any issues finding streams or gauges that I fish. From what I understand, Freestone gets its data straight from the USGS and doesn't pick and choose which gauges are reported.

Stinks you didn't have the same experience.

For anyone who is interested in Freestone, I did connect with a friend of the developer. His programmer quit which is why it stopped working. He's working to replace the programmer and get the app operational again.
Mr. Mike, there was a smiley emoji that was supposed to accompany post. Lots of respect for you and your posts. Thank you.

Yep, I get it. I just had an old hydrology professor that would deduct a letter grade if you wrote steam “gauge”; therefore “gage” is ingrained in me.
I had to look it up years ago when I started doing technical writing and I think at that time I even found something that said either/or, but that is not the general case.

I wasn’t sure where you were going with that and it is a common error even among technical writers at times so that’s why I just suggested to look it up. No big deal.

Thanks for the prop too.

I like using google terrain map, the 2d and 3 d zooms and the bing maps satellite because of the lack of foliage. USGS site works well. I like to compare it to the Dwight Landis Pa book.
I don't like to be forced feed apps because most will not work with out cell service and i usually don't have any where I fish. besides most are still very difficult to use while driving.
Weather the good old us weather service.