FREE - tying materials


Mar 6, 2007
I figured the Subject heading would get a few looks with the crew on here..🙂

Anyway, I'm looking for a new tier, preferably someone young or financially down on their luck that is interested in tying and needs some material. I did some cleaning up and I have a bunch of chenilles, some hooks, and other materials for streamers and nymphs that I'm looking to pass along.

PM me if you feel inclined and I'll get the stuff shipped out. If there is more than one that needs help, I'll just divide it up.

Thanks for helping me "get clean" and tight lines.....

Give this man a beer... Or take him fishing one of the two, or both...
I'd certainly buy TDB a beer or other beverage of his choice!
If you don't get any takers, I sent some stuff to Project Healing Waters a few years back. Good cause.
Good for you man

If you decide PHWFF is somewhere you would send materials Shoot me an email at and I can get you contact info for the chapter nearest you


Thanks Skip - I like the idea, I'll be in touch and at least send a portion of what I got. The pile keeps growing with each drawer I open!..🙂

A HS in central PA started a fly fishing club. The teacher who sponsored this posted a request on this board and I think he got a lot of responses. If you want to help schools let me know. There are more than one.
It looks like I got 6 responses from PAFF members that are in need. I will divide up what I got and send it out. Mods, feel free to delete this post. Thanks guys and tight lines this spring and beyond! TB