Fracking -- On Shaky Ground



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
Nationwide carrys insurance for that(ALREADY WENT THERE)just to be safe.
yeah, just great. The sad fact is that the people that will get screwed by damage by the quakes are most likely NOT the people that are profiting from gas leases.
but hey, it's all good, totally safe, nothing to see here, just keep your mouth shut.
melvinp wrote:
Nationwide carrys insurance for that(ALREADY WENT THERE)just to be safe.

And God forbid you ever have to use it...

... said the guy who filed a small claim HO claim last year for the first time in 30 years and is now struggling to find new coverage.
Dave: I'm sending you a PM regarding insurance. Don't worry, I don't sell it....:) Just something based on our similar experience.

Gimme couple minutes and it'll be there. I hope anyway...