Fracking Near Devils Hole Creek


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
Last month I fished Devils Hole Creek in the Game lands. I thought I noticed a fairly strong smell of methane on the lower section before the ruins. Has there been drilling for natural gas in that area?

That's not the region at all where fracking is taking place.
Methane is odorless until other compounds like thiols are added for easier detection. If you could smell it someone would have had a bad leak somewhere in the area. Kaboom!
What you smelled could be from a gas line leak.

Or it could be hydrogen sulfide occurring naturally in wetlands.
fwiw, part of the upper devils hole drainage that is not in an sgl tract is open space land preserved by a township... walked it once, gets swampy.
As salvaneous said methane is odorless. Mercaptin is added to natural gas and that is what you smell.
If you were in a marshy area it could have been hydrogen sulfide (swamp gas). It has a strong odor like rotten eggs.