Fracking Fluid Spill

Be interesting to follow this to see what the new guy at dep does. Violation or not?
This is the issue that we all did not want to happen. As it was reported that thousands of gallons of fracking fluid flowed out of the well and an determined amount has flowed into Towanda Creek.
There is a discussion forum tonight on MS related issues. A rep from the DEP is supposed to attend this. You can be sure this little accident will come up. Location is Albright College in Reading Pa. Klein Lecture Hall 7pm. See other post. Unless of course you are to busy worrying about someone spot burning your favorite stream. Like that will really matter after the gas industry is done around here!
dkile wrote:
This is the issue that we all did not want to happen. As it was reported that thousands of gallons of fracking fluid flowed out of the well and an determined amount has flowed into Towanda Creek.
As much as I hate to say it, we'll be hearing this more and more in the not so distant future. Very sad!
Wow, I cant believe it.

yeah, that was sarcasm.
wildtrout2 wrote:
dkile wrote:
This is the issue that we all did not want to happen. As it was reported that thousands of gallons of fracking fluid flowed out of the well and an determined amount has flowed into Towanda Creek.
As much as I hate to say it, we'll be hearing this more and more in the not so distant future. Very sad!

I fear you are right. I took an enviromental resource management course years ago, and the only thing I remember about the class is what the prof said on the first day... "Economic prosperity always trumps ecological protection."
An equipment failure allowed flowback fluids to wash onto the well pad in volumes that overwhelmed the multiple containment precautions in place.

The theory right now is it's a cracked well casing.

This is the crap I'm talking about. These companies buy this cheap @$$ stuff. This is fully, 100% preventable. Fine the crap out of them!
I agree, this will not be the last time we hear of something like this occuring. Sad thing is this is one we heard about, what about all the others we haven't heard about?
Chesapeake has had several problems recently, and it was a blow out. even the cows are polluted.
im not a fan of fracking but if tom corbett is letting them drill atleast tax them. right? it would wipe out this whole edu. money cut and help Pa out.
Not good. On the aniversary of the Gulf Oil Spill. Nothing is fool proof in the drilliing industry.
I've been past that guys farm more times than I can remember. Used to have to pass it to get into the SGL. Such beautiful country being used and abused!
The landowner leased his property of his own free will. I don't feel sorry for him. He can take the money he got from the gas company and buy his water now! I do feel for the folks who live downstream however. This gas industry is BAD NEWS!
Can those ppl light their tap water yet?
Sad! I grew up fishing the first 2 weekends every season on towanda creek with my dad. Then we'd head to the head waters of the roofs pm the and fish. Love that place is a d*** shame! As with the entire state there are more white trucks than people it seems at times and every friggen one of them has Texas Oklahoma or Wyoming plates on it. I wonder of the people working these sites tale as much care here as they would in their own back yard? I know a few accidents doesn't make all of them bad people etc but it's tough to read this knowing that there are 2 wells going in right on the head waters of the allegany river 6 miles from my house. Guess I better fish like he'll this spring in case we can't next spring v
My condolences to all in the area and downstream.
There went my fishing plans.... I live 5 miles from the Towanda Creek. The LeRoy area not only is ATW with put n' take stockies but the headwaters still hold a decent population of wild browns.
The lower end of "T-Creek" around Monroeton, PA is a fabulous smallie fishery too! The only saving grace is that with all the high water in the creek the frac fluids may get diluted enough not to cause too much damage. DWCO Pete Napoli assesed the creek yesterday and reported NO fish kills... YET!

I really hate living in the epicenter of drilling. Did you guys know that Bradford Co. has more active wells drilled and permits to drill than all of the surrounding counties in NCPA combined!!!

When I say I live in the epicenter.. it ain't lip service.

Realistically, not much will be done about screwing up the Towanda Creek. It will take a spill on a "famous" fishery to get the hackles all up on anglers in our area. Now if the North Branch Susquehanna, Loyalsock, or Pine Creek gets screwed with frac fluid there would be riots in Harrisburg. The Towanda Creek doesn't get "much love" from the average anglers... 'cept from a few of us who really love this creek... "SIGH".

I'm really bummed about this.
jjsjigs wrote:
There went my fishing plans.... I live 5 miles from the Towanda Creek. The LeRoy area not only is ATW with put n' take stockies but the headwaters still hold a decent population of wild browns.
The lower end of "T-Creek" around Monroeton, PA is a fabulous smallie fishery too! [color=0000FF]The only saving grace is that with all the high water in the creek the frac fluids may get diluted enough not to cause too much damage. [/color] DWCO Pete Napoli assesed the creek yesterday and reported NO fish kills... YET!

It probably will (get diluted enough). In that sense, they got lucky. Lets home they aren't as lucky when it comes to fines. It seems to me that a cracked casing could easily be avoided, but yet I'll bet problems with the casings represent the vast majority of the problems including the methane in the water that someone else eluded to.

Everybody points their fracking finger when it comes to gas drilling, but more often than not, the problems are a result of cutting corners or poor quality. The BP spill in the gulf was no exception to that, either.
