fracking fluid dump



Active member
Sep 13, 2006

I love Pa, my natural gas driller is...

drilling my state in the...
I have a solution to all of this: whenever a company is responsible for a spill or improper disposal of waste, the state auctions some of that companies permits / well sites to the highest bidder and keeps the proceeds. Cleaner companies will be able to buy up a larger fraction of well sites and drilling companies will be forced clean up or pack up. If you maintain a well without polluting, other companies should have the opportunity to take over those wells.

There needs to be a real penalty for this sort of nonsense. The current situation is ridiculous.
Dear sandfly,

Call it a hunch, but I suspect Mr. Carter didn't move to Warren Center because he thought it would be a welcome change from the drought in GA.

There is no way on earth the guy just happened to acquire 800 gallons of sludge and randomly chose State Gameland 219 as his disposal site.

Clearly he works for a company involved in Marcellus shale drilling. If it isn't TALISMAN Energy then who is it? In all likelyhood the company is a subcontractor for TALISMAN, or maybe even a subcontractor for the subcontractor.

That is how the "big players" get around the issue of liability. They hire people who hire people and when something goes wrong they go, HEY, IT WASN'T US.

It'll get a shiteload worse before, or if, it ever gets better but look on the bright side, your heating bill will be less this year if you heat with natural gas and that's what we all want, right?


Tim Murphy
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear sandfly,

Call it a hunch, but I suspect Mr. Carter didn't move to Warren Center because he thought it would be a welcome change from the drought in GA.

There is no way on earth the guy just happened to acquire 800 gallons of sludge and randomly chose State Gameland 219 as his disposal site.

Clearly he works for a company involved in Marcellus shale drilling. If it isn't TALISMAN Energy then who is it? In all likelyhood the company is a subcontractor for TALISMAN, or maybe even a subcontractor for the subcontractor.

That is how the "big players" get around the issue of liability. They hire people who hire people and when something goes wrong they go, HEY, IT WASN'T US.

It'll get a shiteload worse before, or if, it ever gets better but look on the bright side, your heating bill will be less this year if you heat with natural gas and that's what we all want, right?


Tim Murphy

I saw this spin in the paper last night. UGI is lowering their bills by 13.5% - thanks in part to drilling in the Marcellus..
It is just a guess, but I suspect, that no one get more than a very light slap on the wrist, as a result of this. More likely the responsible party will give someone an early Christmas gift to look the other way.
I live in the center of BradCo. Warren Center is in the North East section of my County. These truckers/subcontractors are a way of life now. DaveS: that truck driver who dumped that sludge is sitting in the BradCo Jail in lieu of him posting $100,000 bail. Bravo to Dist. Judge Wilcox who assigned that much bail. (Dumping 800 gallons of drilling mud or Jerry Sandusky molesteing 50+ kids... same bail amount).

As much press as this incident is getting statewide... most media outlets are only capitializing on the fact that this sludge pile was found! Now in PA we have the hunters out and about in the SGL's and woods. That is the only reason that the sludge was found. If it happened in January... that **** would have been sitting there in the SGL until Spring.

Anyway... most truckers will dump into ponds, ditchtrickle creeks around here. Then they can claim that since the epic flood of 2011 that creek opened up a clay vein. (that excuse works up here... since we have a shitton of clay deposits along the North Branch Susquehanna) That poor Georgia man didn't follow the "norms" of hiding drilling waste up here... he dumped it during hunting season. Tsk, Tsk...
Here's the local coverage:
Perhaps DEP should pick the clean-up contractor.
I watched that corporate weasel Mitt Romney defending fracking and the frackers on Fox. He claims the real problem is the EPA trying to regulate waste. WHAT?!??!?
I know, I'm sick of hear crap about doing the right thing with waste(any kind, not just frack related) is going to kill jobs. absolute BS.
outsourcing to china kills jobs. doing the right thing for our environment does not kill jobs. it may cause some price increases for certain products, but it's not going to kill jobs.
just another case of deep gas and oil pockets influencing government.
When is the march on Harrisburg? Maybe it's time , or did I miss one already?
I fear that there's going to be a lot more of this. As an old fart, I think maybe you young lions do have the right idea with an OCCUPY action of some sort, if you're going to somehow save public access flyfishing on wild trout waters.
I'm trying to occupy my state, then again, so are these motha-truckas...
Moved here.....
Would it be too cliche' to all show up in our wading vests?