Fracking -- Assault from the Air Too?

Airborn pollutants from oil and gas extraction is real.

It bugs me that they keep using the term fracking. Fracking is one particular part of the entire process. And this form of pollution does NOT come from that particular part of the process. This particular form of pollution accompanies oil and gas wells anywhere and everywhere, whether they are fracked or not. Rant off....

But they're extracting hydrocarbons. The air pollution is hydrocarbons. Greater amounts are released early in the process before the well is capped and recovery begins. Many drillers burn a large portion of it off during this phase, and others just let it go into the atmosphere, and strangely many of the environmental groups have opposed burning it off!

But even once recovery begins, these are pressurized wells and a poor seal anywhere will leak hydrocarbons into the air.

It certainly demands more study and potentially tighter controls.