Frack article on Hatch Mag website. Interesting read.



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
Almost makes ya want to say "frick it, frack it". Let the tree hugger onslaught begin.

most of the pics were right here in tioga county with a few in potter. Chad did a nice write up on it. there were over 500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 alone adding to all the permitted ones in pa. Its a sin for sure. And now we are seeing less game around, from we think of the under ground shaking of the earth from fracking.
But we need it Bob! To hell with the animals!
sandfly wrote:
most of the pics were right here in tioga county with a few in potter. Chad did a nice write up on it. there were over 500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 alone adding to all the permitted ones in pa. Its a sin for sure. And now we are seeing less game around, from we think of the under ground shaking of the earth from fracking.

Come on Bob...less game? There's more deer , bear, & turkeys around here now then there's been in many years now.

You gotta get off your back porch to see the animals. :)

"500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 " Where did this come from?

yes - please provide a link to a legitimate article or source on the 500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 alone.
it was announced by dep.
no permits for them. was either in local paper or a noticed I received on web.
sandfly wrote:
most of the pics were right here in tioga county with a few in potter. Chad did a nice write up on it. there were over 500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 alone adding to all the permitted ones in pa. Its a sin for sure. And now we are seeing less game around, from we think of the under ground shaking of the earth from fracking.

Thanks for the kind words, Bob.

I'm curious about the less game thing. Who's proposing this tie between game populations and the seismic side-effects of fracking? Is this just someone's conjecture, or have you actually seen something proposed by someone researching this?

The_Sasquatch wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:

"500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 " Where did this come from?



Drill baby, drill... Responsibly!

Regarding seismic affects from drilling-related activities on game. There is indeed concern that it may have some affect on critters like snakes, etc particular concern with timber rattlers, which is a species of concern in Pennsylvania.
RyanR wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:

"500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 " Where did this come from?



Drill baby, drill... Responsibly!

Regarding seismic affects from drilling-related activities on game. There is indeed concern that it may have some affect on critters like snakes, etc particular concern with timber rattlers, which is a species of concern in Pennsylvania.

The rattlers are protected. A friend of mine(independent from the gas companies) goes to the well area & locates any rattlers & makes sure they(drillers) do not disturb them & other wildlife. It's required by the state.
greenlander wrote:
sandfly wrote:
most of the pics were right here in tioga county with a few in potter. Chad did a nice write up on it. there were over 500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 alone adding to all the permitted ones in pa. Its a sin for sure. And now we are seeing less game around, from we think of the under ground shaking of the earth from fracking.

Thanks for the kind words, Bob.

I'm curious about the less game thing. Who's proposing this tie between game populations and the seismic side-effects of fracking? Is this just someone's conjecture, or have you actually seen something proposed by someone researching this?

I'm still waiting on hearing where he heard it from. Also where it is documented of 500 illegal wells in 2012.
BradFromPotter wrote:
RyanR wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:

"500 illegal wells drilled in 2012 " Where did this come from?



Drill baby, drill... Responsibly!

Regarding seismic affects from drilling-related activities on game. There is indeed concern that it may have some affect on critters like snakes, etc particular concern with timber rattlers, which is a species of concern in Pennsylvania.

The rattlers are protected. A friend of mine(independent from the gas companies) goes to the well area & locates any rattlers & makes sure they(drillers) do not disturb them & other wildlife. It's required by the state.

Yes, I know they're protected but that doesn't mean they're still not affected by seismic activity associated with drilling. I'm just pointing out that there is some concern there with them associated with seismic activity with drilling operations. I think the concern is mainly as to whether or not it disturbs den sites and gravid females. I know the state does a pretty good job of indentifying rattlesnake areas in proximity to drilling pads, etc.