FR&R includes sellouts' piece



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
I was sad to see that the new edition of FR&R included a photo essay by the sellout couple of fly-fishing, the becks. I am planning to drop subscriptions to FF, AA, and Gray's b/c those mags use beck photos regularly. I hope that this is a one-time oversight on the part of FR&R. I would urge you to voice your displeasure with this if you seriously oppose the evil empire and its supporters.
I already wrote them a nice letter as soon as I saw the article. I won't be renewing my sub to FR&R.
Quick question. I have heard this cited a number of times and am curious as to their level of sell out with HWC. What exactly did/do they do? Did they own property and sell it to HWC? Or are they poster children/marketing icons for HWC?
1. They endorse the evil empire on its website and post photos.
2. I can't 100% confirm your question about their selling property to beaver and the empire, but I have had it from reliable sources that the n/e PA water that the empire now controls was first bought up by the becks, who somewhat later sold it to the empire. Though not 100% sure, the people who told me that are are really reliable people, and I would say with about a 99% certainty that this information is accurate.
So, IMHO, the becks, who have made their living marketing photos to magazines and even TU, which are supported by average anglers, are a pair of sellouts whose photo use should be challenged by us average anglers at every possible time. We need to try to get TU and the mags to quit using their photos.
Fly Rod & Reel has long reported on private waters and extremely high end destinations. This is also by no means the photographs/photo essays by the Becks have appeared in the magazine. If this is the straw that broke the camels back for you, then cancel, but if you have been a subscriber for long, you have seen this before.
maybe its me but I see pics of theirs in almost every piece of fly fishing if you're gonna cancel it you might be cancelling or not buying a lot. i guess the FF Show is out too...

I've met the Becks about 20 years ago at the fly shop they had near Fishing Creek. They were real nice folks. The streams around there were nice too,but mostly posted. I remember complaining a little to them about the posted waters. I didnt know they were in on it at the time....haha.
ratgunner wrote:
I've met the Becks about 20 years ago at the fly shop they had near Fishing Creek. They were real nice folks. The streams around there were nice too,but mostly posted. I remember complaining a little to them about the posted waters. I didnt know they were in on it at the time....haha.

I used to frequent the Becks fly shop all the time when I lived in that part of the State. They (Barry & Cathy) were always nice to me. At the time I was aware that they bought/leased property that was used to guide clients for the shop. That was 20+ years ago, long before the Evil Empire rising. My understanding is some of that same property is now Homewaters property.

To make one thing clear, the current owner has no affiliation with the Becks, if that makes a difference to you. It still is a good shop to visit when in the area.

One final thing, let's not forget that private water owned by individuals or fishing clubs have been around for hundreds of years in this country and thousands of years in other parts of the world. I have no real problem with that, but a do have a problem with a jagoff (spelling yinzers?) that posts public property belonging to all citizens. Further, I have a big problem with anyone that stocks a wild trout stream with hogs to make the stream more "desirable" to fish (by some). If the club or individual actually owned the rights to a stream or stream section and is a good caretaker of it, I have no problem with that in the least.

I must admit I would hate to see private streams be the rule rather than the exception in PA. I think we should all fight to keep our streams open wherever possible. Further we should band together and fight all those that care little the about resource and more about the profits of development and/or polluting the many streams and rivers we are blessed with in PA.
afishinado-I agree 100%.
A private owned business being greedy and careless like that needs to be stopped. I'm not up on al this Homewater stuff,I gave up fishing that area 20 or so years ago because I didnt like seeing all that posted water,it made me feel unwelcome.Maybe it was just the fact that it was posted and like forbiden fruit but it seemed to me at the time that the nicest parts of the streams were the posted sections.Around home here we dont have much private streams and my visit to the Benton area was my first experience with private streams.