Four piece rod



Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
I currently have a two piece rod and would like to get a four piece. I was wondering if you can tell a big difference while casting.
Nope, never noticed it myself. Even with a 5 piece rod, its still the same to me.
No, you won't.

Even if you did, it would probably be worth the convenience of four pieces.

I don't think there is a difference. 20 years ago there was. Manufacturers are better at the "hiding" the ferrels now a days.
nymphingmaniac wrote:
I don't think there is a difference. 20 years ago there was. Manufacturers are better at the "hiding" the ferrels now a days.
I agree. I own a number of 2,3 and 4 piece rods. I can't tell much difference. I also own a Sage SLT 9' 5 weight 5 piece rod. It's one of my favorites. SMOOTH! I doubt I will ever buy another 2 piece rod.
I'll add two more things. I got my Sage SLT 5wt as a two piece because FFP didn't have the 4piece in the shop and they were being discontinued. So I have a two piece and 4 piece rods.

Pros: quicker to set up, less hassle aligning each section
cons: forget about travel on planes and I have to drop the back seat to fit it in the trunk of my car.

WTT: Didn't know the SLT came in a 5 piece. Interesting. I love that rod too and fish it when I can. There are some situations where i can't. I need the power of a faster 6 wt.
Sage made the"SLT" 5 piece in a 3, 4, 5, 6, and an 8 weight. They make great hiking/travel rods as the tubes are short.
I'm not a fan of 4'piecers. The rods i throw on a daily are all 2s but one of my 8wts is a four. It's a pretty nice rod, super fast the way I like it.

Its roundly considered a truthism in glass fly rods that three piece rods are better than two or four piece rods.

What bearing does that have? What do I care. I give you knowledge, you process it.
I don't notice any difference. The big advantage to a 4 piece is that you can take it on the plane as carry on in stead of shipping you 2 piece.
I use a four piece Imperial. I like the fact it breaks down and fits in a tube I can put under the seat in my truck.
I got my first four piece this year and have noticed no difference. I will also only get four pieces from now on for travel purposes. the 2 piece is just too much hassle for travel.