Found: Net on the Brodhead @ Forevergreen



Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
Currently ADK; formerly DWG
I found a net today on the Brodhead up at Forevergreen. It had no fish in it, so it didn't help me out with getting skunked all afternoon, but I'll give it back to you anyway.

Hit me up with a description and we'll find some way to get it to you.
I had to check to make sure I had mine. I do. Obviously, I was there too. Buddy and I were there from 2 till 4. We didn't get any either. Pretty crowded. We did get a few each upstream at another spot earlier. Nice day out, but that was way too warm for February. Usually when I fish all day in February I get a coffee when I'm done. Yesterday we got milkshakes.
What'd you get them on upstream? I spent all morning convincing myself I was gonna see some risers because of the weather, so I was dead set on fishing dries. Definitely a mistake, as I didn't see a single damn fish hit the surface. Any movement further up?
We were nymphing. I got my two on a hares ear and pheasant tail.
My buddy got his on a pheasant tail. I saw a couple stoneflies flying around and crawling on the rocks. I didn't see any rises. My buddy saw one rise he said.