Found lost net at Big Spring



Sep 6, 2013
Found at the ditch. Talked to other anglers up and down the stream but no luck. Just send a pm describing the net and method of contact.
Nets, hemostats and zingers are all community property. Take a penny, leave a penny. Once i was in fishermans paradise early am. Got suited up, realized my net was not on my pack. Oh well. Hiked up to the gun range and folowed one of the many mowed paths along the stream with my coffee. Feeling a great pleastry I decided on a riffle /pool with a nice overhanging bank to finish my coffee. Upon finishing, i put my styrofoam cup down to my right to free my hands to tie on a fly. To my surprise, I put my cup right next to a $20 net someone musta left behind for me the night before.

I didn't ask who mighta left the net, i just thanked the karma gods for their generousity and fished out the day. A year later, I am netless once again and someone is enjoying my pay it forwrd net. I suppose I could buy wonnadem fancy wooden $100 fish catchers but I cant imagine I will own it long enuff. So y'all will hafta settle for my next find or some chinese laminated cheapazz ****'s nets. But boy them hand crafted ones are nice aren't they?
I'm with Maurice. I found a nice pair of sunglasses once. Asked a few people if they lost them as I walked out. Wore them twice and donated them back to the community on my 3rd outing.
Thats funny because i've actually been with Jack when I've told others, "he is not with me". But we hold alot of the same values. I suppose.
I've found about 5 nets along the stream over the years. And can't recall losing any. Maybe that makes me a net hog?
Anyway, most of what I found were cheap ones. Although I did find a Brodin on spring creek. But it has a mesh net, and I don't use it.
Preferring to use one that I bought with a rubber net
Sell the brodin, I know buyer!
Maurice, I agree. I normally wouldn't even bother posting about it, but this nets value is around a couple hundred bucks.
Redietz, I'm pretty sure the group I asked was your chapter, but it can't hurt to double check incase I missed somebody.
LetortAngler wrote:
Maurice, I agree. I normally wouldn't even bother posting about it, but this nets value is around a couple hundred bucks.
Redietz, I'm pretty sure the group I asked was your chapter, but it can't hurt to double check incase I missed somebody.

Oh yea, I remember now, I lost an expensive wooden net right at the ditch.
Just keep it and send me $50. We'll call it even. LOL!

Who says it a wooden net? FarmerDave and his 50$ = Declined lol
I lost my mind on the Yough quite a few times. Each time I find it on Spring Creek, I lose it again on the Yough. Hopefully, I'm paying it forward to someone... but I have my doubts.
I've found nets ,fly boxes, sun glasses,etc. I've lost similar stuff over the years. Just figure it's the nature of the beast we call fly fishing.
I did try to lose Farmer Dave on Spring Creek, but he can walk faster than I can.GG
LetortAngler wrote:
Who says it a wooden net?

Nobody did. That's the point. I was identifying it. Now, if it is made of wood, I think you should hand it over. It must have blown there from Ohio. Been windy lately.;-)

You did say it was worth $200 and I wouldn't pay $20 for a metal or plastic one. ;-)

Art, you just need a new tactic if you want to lose me. Trying to blend in with the nearest picnic table isn't working.
Maurice wrote:
Nets, hemostats and zingers are all community property. Take a penny, leave a penny....

Next time I fish with Mo and I'm missing something, I'll now be sure to check in his truck before leaving....:-o
Wait till you see my new camo ,Picnic Table Green.
Grandson shows up to go fishing one day. He's sporting a new hat that he found drifting near a dock where he works. I checked and they are about a hundred bucks new. GG
how was the fishing ?. I had plans to be there this Saturday but it looks like the big storm will nix my VA trip so no day off to fish :eek:(