Foam for Beetles



Active member
Sep 12, 2006
I'm sure somebody has covered this on the forum but I thought I'd share it anyway in just in case it hasn't been covered.

I had read about craft stores having some cheap materials and got the idea to stop today. Michael's craft store has sheets of 2mm foam for $.79 a sheet. It's roughly a legal sized sheet I believe. Nice score for me and I thought I'd pass it along to all of you.
Dont forget (and it pains me to say this) Wally World. They don't have the color seletion of Micheal's or Jo-Anne's, but I think the last time I bought some there it was only $.33 a sheet.
It may have been posted here, before, but it's still a really great tip to be reminded of, that "Craft stores are a fly tier's paradise at times"!
I, not only, get my "bug/hopper foam" at places like craft and yardage stores, but I've also found some of my BEST peacock herl, there, as well! Not only in natural, but also in red-green-yellow and even bleached out!
Another source I use a great deal of the time.... for my bigger foam bugs and also for ant bodies................ is to score a 25-50 cent pair of children's foam sandals, at garage sales. These are usually thick enough, to where I can take a punch, (like the kind used to make holes in leather and leather belts), and quickly punch out a full season's worth of ant bodies in perfectly symmetrical shapes every time.
Black is standard, of course, but I've also made red ants, this way and any color one can think of.
Good tip, thanks for posting it!