Foam Ant Pattern



Sep 19, 2007
I'm looking for an easy and effective foam ant pattern, preferably hi-vis or with an indicator. Would love to hear your suggestions. Thanks in advance!
Nice Afish, I have never used peacock on my ants in the past, I will have to try that.
The peacock pattern was a beetle.
I have Googled it and seen a bunch but just wanted some first hand opinions. I know it's like asking someone how to walk, couldn't be easier, but when you're a novice I always find it better to pose a question to those with more experience.
A great way to make foam Ants. Also change the shape of the foam you cut for other good patterns also. I make beetles often the same way just with a bigger strip or round shape cut of foam. Sometimes stripping raffia over the back

I get cheap foam at walmart. Black Cut out small strips -

Start with the hook i like size 18,16 sometimes 12

I wrap peacock sometimes around the hook for a sparkle.

Also many ways to make legs, use small black hackle or rubber legs.

I wrap the foam on the front of hook ( use a small v notch on the front of the foam to tie it on the hook)

Then going down the hook i wrap it tight into 3 segments so it looks real. Shape and size you play with. I often cut the foam to shape it best.

Also you can paint the black foam with a red color nail polish for a cinn. ant look.
Your right Jack, I guess I need to read a bit more carefully
You can also tie the simple pattern that Afish posted with a small piece of orange foam for an indicator. Just tie it in with your thread wraps at the front of the fly. Orange is a great color to see on the water, and the fish won't see it from below. Also try the ant in all orange foam too.
Good article in latest "Hatches" mag about ants:
anyone tie a red ant pattern? I tied some up with a few blacks yesterday, figured worth a shot, and a little easier to see.
Red and orange ants work just fine.

The easiest ant pattern I ever saw I learned from Ed Koch at a fly show.

Find a scrap of foam about the right size. Tie by the middle to the shank of a dry fly hook. Whip finish (actually he used half hitches). Go fishing.
I tie the pattern jeffk mentioned, but lash it to the hook twice for a more ant-like profile. Float it or stomp it in the mud and sink it. It fishes best behind an elk hair caddis instead of adding some kind of indicator yarn.
I have been tying the kind that Afish provided the link for, that's as simple as it gets. I've also been tying a similar pattern with the foam tube segmented in 3 pieces. Then a few wraps of hackle over the thread, also pretty simple. If you are looking for simplicity, either get the tubes as shown in Afish's link or get your foam and a cutter to form the body if you're into that style.

I'm also a fan of having the dubbed ants on hand so that you can fish wet or just below the surface right behind a Stimulator, Chernoble Ant, Beetle or Hopper, used as an indicator.
I'm also a fan of having the dubbed ants on hand so that you can fish wet or just below the surface right behind a Stimulator, Chernoble Ant, Beetle or Hopper, used as an indicator.

Nice plan.