Flyline Fresh vs Salt



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
Is there any reason I couldn't use a line designed for saltwater in freshwater? I can see why you wouldn't want to go the other way as saltwater is a harsher environment.

I found a good deal on a line I need, but it is a saltwater version.
I believe that saltwater lines are chemically different to resist saltwater corrosion and to remain supple in colder water. The resistance to corrosion would add to the expense. So if you found a good deal on the line, that negates that worry. If you are going to use it for coldwater fishing (like steelheading) than you might want it. Otherwise, a test cast or two might be good if possible. Otherwise, you can roll the dice on the line. But I imagine it would cast just fine in warmer temps (if you are using it for bass or whatnot)
My guess is that its more marketing than a HUGE difference but like Pad good a deal would make up my mind. I use my regular lines in salt and just clean them really well in fresh water and was told I needed only to do that by a guy who guides in the salt...also some lines are the opposite of what Pad said and made for warm water salt fishing and may get a bit stiff and hard to deal with in freezing temps. If you mention the brand I could ask on the OBX board and he would probably respond.
I always thought that saltwater lines became stiff in cold water since they were designed for warmer saltwater and that freshwater lines almosted melted in the warmer water. Shows what I know.

It was Scientific Anglers Ultra 4 Saltwater.
As for the stiffer in cold water or not... I guess I am thinking of lines designed for stripers, which are designed for colder temps. Bonefishing lines might be designed for warmer temps, I don't know. Never thought too much about bonefish. I hate bright sunny beaches. I'm a redhead. The sun is not my friend.
Dear albatross,

I picked up a Tropical 7 weight line a couple of years ago from Sierra Trading Post for about $ 20.00. I forget the brand but I think it's a SA line.

I've been using it for warmwater fishing for 2 years and I've never had any trouble with it. I'm a little like Tom, I think with care you can use one line in two kinds of water, the rest is just a lot of hype to sell more $ 60.00 lines.

Tim Murphy :)
Here is the response from the salt board...

"I have used the expert distance on my 6wt and the ultra 4 on my 5wt. Fished them in Oregon Inlet and cold water up in the mountains of TN. No complaints from me. Sounds like you found a good deal."
basically its in the tapers mostly and cores(coldwater vs. warmer)other wise most lines have the same coatings (pvc).. so go ahead and get one just cheack the taper for your needs..