Fly Tying Table From Scrap



Active member
Jun 25, 2012
Hey folks,

I'm really getting into this fly tying thing. It's a blast so far. Though I haven't tried anything to crazy difficult yet, I'm slowly working my way up to those types of patterns. I've been mostly staying with san juan worms, greenie weenies, pheasant tails, hare's ears, etc.

Anyway, I realized that I was creating a pretty big mess in our creative space, so I decided to throw some scrap wood together to make a more organized fly tying table. Check it out -



It was a pretty easy project. The hardest part being drilling out the holes for my bead containers since I didn't have large enough bits. I may eventually add a stain or lacquer to it to polish it off.

My goal is to fill that tacky fly box in the photo with all hand tied flies by the end of winter.
nice looking tying bench

i would add a portable background/profile plate to hide the items on the back of your bench while you tie flies

its just a typists document holder and colored scrap booking paper


Good call! That would definitely help with focus. Thanks!
Hey raftman, that set up looks really nice. You'll need more holes for tools.
Way too neat... I'd never be able to find anything.

Just foolin'

Very nice!
Nice raftman!
looks good raftman.
Nfrechet question for you, I take it that paper holder helps with eye strain?

The contrast plate (piece of construction paper) works to reduce items in your field on vision. It also makes the fly pop out more. Experiment with a few different colors to find the one that works for you. It also helps to have a few different colors on hand. I find gray or light blue to be best for me. If, however, I am tying gray flies I may switch to a light pink or something.

This thread is a good reminder for me to actually bring home a new sheet of gray paper from work. The one I have been using it eight years old.
You'll need more holes for tools.

RCFetter - yeah, I figured. That's why I'm holding off on staining it or anything. It works for now, but I imagine I'll be needing some more tools shortly :)
Nice job with that.

codym21 wrote:
looks good raftman.
Nfrechet question for you, I take it that paper holder helps with eye strain?

for me it does and eliminates looking at a cluttered background

its also a great background for fly photography
nfrechet wrote:
codym21 wrote:
looks good raftman.
Nfrechet question for you, I take it that paper holder helps with eye strain?

for me it does and eliminates looking at a cluttered background

its also a great background for fly photography

Nice job on the desk!

as for the background paper: As the others have said, it makes the fly stand out and use if a light grey backgrounbd works well with the way cameras meter backgound. Think of how some snow pictures look greyish.