fly tying for charity



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
has anyone ever thought to try a fly tying for a charitable donation maybe have everyone tie 5 flies and then auction them off on e bay or even amongst ourselves then donate the proceeds ?
Count me in!
Count me in too!!
Sounds like fun. It would depend on the charity, but I would probably be interested in joining in on this.
well this was just an idea and it doesnt seem to be that hot of an idea i was just throwing it out there but if i were to pick a charity i think casting for recovery or project healing waters and or make the donation as a group paff if someone want to take this and run be my guest as i hardly have the time but i will participate
Yeah I had an idea a while back of tying flies and selling them on ebay or this site to help out with the costs of running paflyfish, but the details never got worked out. It would take a big comittment by some members to continue to tie and have flies up for sale. But if someone wants to jump on the bandwagon and get this started, by all means...
count me in too just let me know when and where.
I was imagining a one time thing, or maybe something that we would repeat occasionally rather than an ongoing sale. If we get 10 people (we already have about 5) to each tie 5, we have a box of 50 flys to auction. If it is for something like Project Healing Waters, I would bet that a lot of people would bid just to support the charity. I would be happy to help with the logistics, but I know nothing about auctions or ebay (other than how to spend money) so I would need some help on that end.
I don't tie, but it is a really great idea. My chapter of TU, Doc Fritchey, hosted a PHW event last year(I am the co-chair) and we had such a great event that we are doing it again this year. We had great support from our members and local business but we can always use donations for the event if anyone would find this a worthy cause. It was great to see the vets get away for a day and enjoy themselves. Thanks for your considerate idea!
while the ongoing sale thing is a decent idea to keep the site in operation when i posted the idea i was thinking that we could put a box together and bid on it amongst ourselves and if it was going to be put on ebay i would think that if we had more than one box to fill would bring a better donation we could even donate the flies themselves to somehting like project healing waters im sure they can always use equipment flies for the most part..... also i would like to add that if this did become a yearly event i would participate yearly another thing i tought of was to have a contest everyone tie the same fly and send like 5 or 10$ to enter it which would be the donation and the winner of the contest picks who the donation goes too and gets the flies.....
I'd be in as well. I'm not a production tier (so we would need disclosures!), but would be fun. Let me know.
Might be worth a try.

Another angle might be "regional boxes" or some similar concept. Some of the Erie guys could put together a selection; maybe a box for the Delaware; Cumberland Valley;Yellowstone Summer selection; mountain brookies, etc.
I'll help out , like that mountain brookie idea.
i would imagine if we chose casting for recovery or project healing waters as the charity,they could use the flies themselves as much as profit from selling them.i'd be glad to donate flies.