fly tying for begginers



New member
Mar 9, 2012
Hello from beaver county I decided to start fly fishing and tying this year found this site from google so far i have found many great tips so far but i find that I'm having trouble with tying the flies from written directions must be the lead paint from my childhood so I looked around and found a few vids to help me along ill post a like to the begginer vid set but my question is will the fly patterns used in the vids (from the uk) work as well here in the U.S.? any other tips and local patterns will be great thanks in advance for any help now to the vids
If it looks buggy they will eat it,heck even ones that don't look buggy will get munched... Fishing flies that don't get fished in the area much or at all can make for some good times. Welcome to the site and a life long addiction. Jack
yea they will work a lot of pattern that we use in the us were adaptations from english patterns in one form or another though you may have to decrease the sizes
Only if you wear this;


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lol thanks for the tips but i cant find them socks anywhere can someone loan me a pair :)
i have always liked,and favored english patterns.i also like dave stuff.

i have probably caught as many fish on variations of his lesson two for beginners,the diawl bach ,as with any other fly.

usually ,for stream fishing,i wrap the hackle rather than use a beard.i use the beard version for still water.

tye the same fly with wrapped hackle and no tail,voila,a peacock and brown.tye it with a red tail,voila ,a red tag,yellow or orange tail,it is called a treacle parkin.

great flies all.

ye it with **** hackle and you can fish it dry.
lesson three is a gold ribbed hairs ear.(GRHE)one of the top patterns of all time.

the english version is different,and his version is "in the round" works great!

next,PTN,need i say more?haha

good luck,and i am sure there are many out your way who would be glad to show you.or come to the jam.
tying in the round was mentioned in ff magazine under ways to improve your nymphing i like the idea beacause the fly looks the same from any angles
I am also a newer tier, finally starting to gain some confidence in my work. I actually gave away some of my flies the other day to my brother and he liked them.
I have learned a ton of use ful information from this site and it's members. I also love to watch you tube videos. I particularly like davie mcphail videos. I have watched many of his videos and he has a lot of them. Definitely good information in there and he demonstrates a lot of techniques. He does make it look a lot easier then it some times is but with some practices your flies will start turning out good.
Just posted in the Beginner Forum post you did, but I can also help out with some tying. Got a baby on the way at home, so once that gets calmed down here in a few weeks I'll be more than happy to help you out.