Fly Tyer Magazine



Jan 11, 2012
Open my mail box yesterday and there was a offer to join Fly Tyer magazine.

Does anyone subscribe?, do you like the magazine?, is there another magazine you like.

waste of time. dont bother., its a dying publication which cant compete with niche publications- Drake, Swing the Fly, Fly Fish Journal etc. - you'll find better more relevant content in all three of those, and many others besides Fly Tyer.

you should check out the Fiberglass manifesto for regular reads - Cameron usually has several posts per month on recent editions of magazine as well as good articles to read
I buy it at the newstand, pretty much every issue. I'm not sure why I still read it. There's usually only one article per issue that I find the least interesting. FOMO, I guess.
been getting it since day 1, lots of good stuff
i flip through it at the newsstand and put it back on the shelf

i decided not to renew my subscriptions to any fly tying/fishing magazines many years ago

many articles a rehashes of past articles. boring

their forum is dead also. not many post there anymore
sroach wrote:
Open my mail box yesterday and there was a offer to join Fly Tyer magazine.

Does anyone subscribe?, do you like the magazine?, is there another magazine you like.


I had a FT sub for a while years ago, but dropped it after quality declined. Too many articles about flies and materials that I suspected didn't have much testing or were just for show/novelty.
I'm not interested in a bunch of articles about making flies from rubber bands and weird stuff like that. It used to be a really solid mag with good, practical patterns and interesting historical articles. FT and Fly Fisherman were really great magazines about 15 years ago and it's amazing how poor they are now. As was previously mentioned, the newer mags have taken over in a way.
Agree with most of the above sentiments. Ironically enough, I received a similar offer in the mail earlier this week. I did not subscribe.

I am pretty sure I have every issue from 1997 (when I started tying) through 2011. I cancelled my subscription after about the 6th article on how to tie Thunder Creek streamers.

I will check it out on the newsstand and occasionally buy an issue if an article catches my eye.

Also, I feel like the quality of some of the flies they feature is lacking for a publication.

eunanhendron wrote:
waste of time. dont bother., its a dying publication which cant compete with niche publications- Drake, Swing the Fly, Fly Fish Journal etc. - you'll find better more relevant content in all three of those, and many others besides Fly Tyer.

you should check out the Fiberglass manifesto for regular reads - Cameron usually has several posts per month on recent editions of magazine as well as good articles to read


are they just fly tying magazines? or they Fly Fishing Magazines?

Like any magazine the articles are regurgitated or not applicable to my needs. I haven't bought a fishing related magazine or any magazine in years maybe even decades.
I know Swing the Fly is expansive and includes flytying and fly fishing - i've contributed to this magazine in 2018.

The others are more fly fishing, but still, the content is vastly superior to fly tyer....
eunanhendron wrote:
I know Swing the Fly is expansive and includes flytying and fly fishing - i've contributed to this magazine in 2018.

The others are more fly fishing, but still, the content is vastly superior to fly tyer....

I'll have to see Swing the Fly. I never heard of that one.

Could you email me on what would make or what would you like to see in Fly Tyer?

I know the Editor and I might be able to give him some suggestions.
I've subscribed to this magazine from time to time (like most FF publications).

It's a good magazine, but I did not renew my subscription last time.
It OK as there is usually one good article in every issue. My issue with the magazine is the editor Klausmeyer is lazy and the same stuff shows up in his "100 best flies for Salt or Freshwater. then you look at the patterns and the colors don't match the listed ingredients and usually there are always missing ingredients.

Articles tying flies with wine bottle labels etc is goofy.

If Al Ritt writes a article it is good.
I do like the magazine, I get it second hand each issue. From a magazine designer's perspective it drives me nuts though..

But I really just skim it and only grab the tid bits that are relevant to me.