Fly Stockpile/CO-OP



Nov 24, 2006
Has anyone thought about starting a stockpile of different flies for the fellow members of this site for emergency purposes? I'm sure we have more than one or two members who could tack advantage of being able to send a PM because they are going on a trip or hit some hard times and need a couple different flies. I know I don't always want to tie or don't have the right stuff or can't find the pattern at a shop. Anybody else think this would be a nice idea? The tyers can get more practice tying and have somewhere else to store them. The members would have access to a ton of different patterns and many varities of each pattern. I know I have hundreds of flies as back up to my back up just from my own tying. I can only imagine how many other people have sitting around in various storage containers. Might as well make em available to those who need em.
i think that is a great idea.
Count me in :)
That sounds awsome don't have the flies since the ex got rid of mine but do have a fly rod that I could send to someone in the same situation I have experienced.
I am up for this too. I have plenty of flies for myself, but I still want to tie more!
Did anything ever come of this? I have a TON of flies and I just keep tying because I don't get to fish enough.
Could always help out with Pad's request for flies in his recent post?
Yup, I emailed the guy from Pad's post but haven't heard back yet.
Nothing started yet, just a question. The new schedule has me jumping from station to station so I never got to do anything about it other than suggest it.