Fly Stock


Jan 2, 2008
When is enough enough? How many fish can you catch on one fish? I got flies coming out of the wazoo. When i get rollin i loose track of time and just keep pumpin them out. i get in the zone. which patterns should i do more than others, well let me rephrase that. Ants & Gnats are good plan B. flies. I got 20 size 22 gnats and 24 size 22 ants. So i think that will be good for now. its good i heard to use a dry for a strike indicator when nymphing instead of a crazy colored thinger. So what should i pile up on more.
You use flies to catch bait to catch fish!!!? WHAAA?

...just joking.

But uhh, my favorite dry fly indicator is a patriot
Thats a new one.(patriot)
patriot is a good PA . dry often used in tandem with a nymph ala

charlie meck.

once on the flatbrook my fishing partner found a patriot stuck in a

tree and caught most of his fish that day on it.
Here’s a hatch chart of insects.

You need to tie a catskill style, comparadun, parachute, cripple, emerger, wet, nymph or larva and pupa for each of these. Add a couple of thousand attractor patterns dry, nymph, wet and streamers and you’re half way there.

Okay you get the idea. Many of us carry thousands of flies in many hundreds of patterns. That’s not really necessary, but after years tying and fishing you will accumulate flies and learn to tie different patterns for different situations. When starting out I would take the approach to tie the basic attractor and generic patterns, and tie some hatch-matching patterns for the common hatches. A couple of generic nymphs like the HE & PT imitate many of the nymphs for each hatch when tied in different sizes and colors. Don’t worry about all the hatches, read to gain knowledge of the basic hatches first, and build on your knowledge and experience from there.

Here ya go, you will likely see these hatches where you fish: BWO, Hendrickson, Black Caddis, Grannom, March Brown, Tan, Brown and Green Caddis, Sulphers, Lt Cahill, Slate Drake, and Trico. Don’t forget about stoneflies - golden, black, brown, and sallies, and terrestrial patterns like the ant and beetle.

Read about these hatches and their behavior and hatch time, try to learn to ID them on and in the water, learn to tie flies to imitate them, and learn how to fish them.

Don’t go out right out and spend hundreds on books right now, although quality reference books are well worth their price. A good start to see what the insects look like is:

A place to start to learn to tie patterns is here:

Good luck fool. (don’t worry guys, he’s my cousin and he really is a fool!)
you can never have enough flies.....I like the Lincoln instead of the patriot....
Henry, I'll send you the pattern if your nice..I'll ask lou if you been
Here is the hatch chart i have been using. it was put together by an area man that has been fly fishing/tying/guiding/teaching for 20 years.

how a fool? i enjoy dis. but i don't know my right from my left. basically what your tellin me is i will never need any of those saltwater patterns i have been tying on 1/0, 2/0 hooks. the trout won't hit them. they look so good i want to eat them. Like the gnats they look tasty. Also, I am done buying stuff for this for now. I just inherhend 3 shoe boxes full of stuff for a friend that bought a house that a guy was dead in for 6 months and he was going to burn it all. i mean hackle, tools, dubbin, etc. And why buy books when you have the net. i didn't ty any salt water paterns. the only thing i might get are waiters ( i gained some weight like 30 lbs.) and a new pole.
sandfly wrote:
Henry, I'll send you the pattern if your nice..I'll ask lou if you been

Good, now he has something to tie for us Thursday night. I hope it wasn't named cause it aint worth a nickle?
I'm guessing the "Lincoln" has a ton of dubbing near the head to form a beard-like appearance.
I am always good its just those senior moments I get, that set me off !!!!!! I can remember everything ,except what I forget
Okay maybe i am a fool. With the Chart i know wich ones to consentrate on and what sizes. Bigger ones pre-hatch and smaller ones post hatch. And what time of year they will be availible to old Mr. Brookie.
That charlies fly boxs is a not found address.