Fly selection advice



New member
May 16, 2016
I plan on hitting up the little j as soon as the water drops and this would be my first time really fly fishing, my selection of flies is thin poppers and buggers to be exact. So I need to go purchase some nymphs, and could use a good direct of what type and sizes to get to start off with. Thanks
Cannot go too far wrong with hares ear and pheasant tails, size 14, 16 & 18.

Little J trout see a lot thrown at them, so don't be afraid to go small.

Stop in Spruce Creek Outfitters and check out the hatch chart above.

Be safe it is a hard river to wade. I have seen some of the best go for a swim. I would suggest getting your dry fly on if you plan on going next week. Dry dropper and a few wets will get the job done. A green weenie and pink egg should be in the mix as well.

Nymphs - Size 14 - 18 Hares Ear, Walts Worm and Green Weenie will get you on some fish for sure.

Good luck it is one special place. One of the best ever.

Attractors like prince nymph,zug bug and stimmies make sense too,as well as soft hackles.
Bruno wrote:

Stop in Spruce Creek Outfitters and check out the hatch chart above.

Be safe it is a hard river to wade. I have seen some of the best go for a swim. I would suggest getting your dry fly on if you plan on going next week. Dry dropper and a few wets will get the job done. A green weenie and pink egg should be in the mix as well.

Nymphs - Size 14 - 18 Hares Ear, Walts Worm and Green Weenie will get you on some fish for sure.

Good luck it is one special place. One of the best ever.

If you get some weenies dont tell Krayfish :lol:
OP, here's another hatch chart you can bookmark...

Thanks for the inputs guys!
I will be floating there Monday through Wednesday. If you see a drift boat or a pair of them it's probably us. I tied all types of Grannom flies for the trip. Size 14 green caddis larvae and caddis emergers. If you see us we are happy to help. Just wave.
Also, a walt's worm does well there.
Dante12 wrote:
I plan on hitting up the little j as soon as the water drops and this would be my first time really fly fishing, my selection of flies is thin poppers and buggers to be exact. So I need to go purchase some nymphs, and could use a good direct of what type and sizes to get to start off with. Thanks

Add some big stonefly nymphs to your selection.

This time of year my go-to rig is a fairly large stonefly nymph (about an inch in length) followed by a smaller generic nymph like a pheasant tail.

Some green caddis pupae ought to be useful on the LJ this time of year as well.

I'll second Bruno's advice above to visit the local fly shop.
shakey wrote:
Also, a walt's worm does well there.

I think the Walt's Worm is generic enough that it has days where if can work surprisingly well just about anywhere. I know I like to carry them.