Fly rod weight question



Dec 23, 2011
I was just given a fly rod and want to use it for fall Trout season. I looked at the weight and it's a 8 weight fly rod, is this to heavy for Trout?
I would say yes, unless you are tossing huge articulated meat flies for monster browns. Good for Steel as well.
Move to Montana and wade fish big rivers with big streamers and you will be in Paradise.
A typical trout rod in PA is a 4-5 weight rod. An 8wt is ideal for bass fishing or steelhead.
All the answers are valid.. the 8 weight is more for Bass/ Steelheads etc. However I would not fret too much. I use the 8 weight for throwing bigger flys that a 4 or 5 weight cannot. With that said - the 8 wt can be used to throw smaller flies. The fights not going to be the same. I also have a 3 wt that I love to catch trout on. (It is the fight that I'm after.)
If you are brand new to fly fishing you should start practicing at the local creeks or rivers in your area before fall trout season begins. This will help you get used to your rod and line and know its capabilities as well as look for prime fishing areas. GOOD LUCK!

an 8 is a big gun for even most bass fishing.
the large rivers for smb and lake fishing for large mouth is where that rod would be handy.
HUH ! 8 is the best all around rod for bass, unless you only fish for dinks with small flies...
afishinado wrote:
sandfly wrote:
HUH ! 8 is the best all around rod for bass, unless you only fish for dinks with small flies...


Dear afish,

+1 squared

I've been known to use a 9 or even a 10 weight when I bass fish.


Tim Murphy :)
TimMurphy wrote:
afishinado wrote:
sandfly wrote:
HUH ! 8 is the best all around rod for bass, unless you only fish for dinks with small flies...


Dear afish,

+1 squared

I've been known to use a 9 or even a 10 weight when I bass fish.


Tim Murphy :)



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Man you guys really cowboy the smallies! Even for the hogs, I rock a 5wt.

Hell I was out w/ my 3wt three nights ago rockin' some serious bronze backs.

Difference may be the size of water though. My furthest cast was 50 feet.
smb on a 5wt is about as fun as it gets. I wouldnt fish a stream larger than a medium classification, but a light rod on a smaller stream is a ton of fun. I use my 7wt on the yough and my 5wt on the smaller stuff. I mainly throw hoppers, poppers and lightweight clousers, so casting isnt an issue. 12-16" smallies on the lighter rod is about as good as it gets(i sometimes use a 5wt on steelhead too)