Fly of the Month: Sulphur Emerger

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By FlyfishingNZ

It is almost time for the sulphurs (ephemerella dorothea) to start appearing on Spring Creek, my local PA trout stream. The hatch starts around the beginning of May and you can expect to see them up until the end of June, however with this years weather it could be all over the place. While the weather is bad and the rivers blown out it is time to experiment with tying for this hatch.

For the sulphur tying swap I decided to put together this little number that also incorporates a number of skills I picked up from Oliver Edwards. This is not completely my own creation but my inclusion of a weaved body makes the fly that little bit more interesting. By using a weave it is possible to achieve a two tone body section which can not be easily achieve with straight tying techniques, unless you little marker pens.

This fly sits low in the film surface and the tail section should sit below the film giving the trout that perfect silhouette. Even before the sulphur hatch has begun I have seen some very nice trout being fooled into taking this fly.

I hope that you enjoy this step-by-step guide to my weaved body sulphur emerger and it brings you much enjoy on the river as it has for me.

Tight Lines,


Step by Step Guide after break

Very nice fly NZ! I'm liking the very last pic (bottom right) too...looks like fish food!
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Very nice fly NZ! I'm liking the very last pic (bottom right) too...looks like fish food!
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Very nice fly NZ! I'm liking the very last pic (bottom right) too...looks like fish food!
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I have to apologize for all the grammatical errors...will have to do more proof checking next time.

When I took the image from below I was hoping to get a better photo, but the container had a matte finish to it.
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I have to apologize for all the grammatical errors...will have to do more proof checking next time.

When I took the image from below I was hoping to get a better photo, but the container had a matte finish to it.
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I have to apologize for all the grammatical errors...will have to do more proof checking next time.

When I took the image from below I was hoping to get a better photo, but the container had a matte finish to it.
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Guys in the Sulpher Swap are in for a treat, this fly is even better looking in hand!! That's for sharing, this pattern rocked my fly tying world when I opened the package.

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Guys in the Sulpher Swap are in for a treat, this fly is even better looking in hand!! That's for sharing, this pattern rocked my fly tying world when I opened the package.

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Guys in the Sulpher Swap are in for a treat, this fly is even better looking in hand!! That's for sharing, this pattern rocked my fly tying world when I opened the package.

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Great Article!!! These have already began coming off on the Little Juniata, and I have had some great results.

A good strategy to fish sulphurs, and increase your success BIG TIME, is to fish a "dry-drop" tandem rig, with a sulphur spinner on top, and the emerger on the bottom.
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Great Article!!! These have already began coming off on the Little Juniata, and I have had some great results.

A good strategy to fish sulphurs, and increase your success BIG TIME, is to fish a "dry-drop" tandem rig, with a sulphur spinner on top, and the emerger on the bottom.
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Great Article!!! These have already began coming off on the Little Juniata, and I have had some great results.

A good strategy to fish sulphurs, and increase your success BIG TIME, is to fish a "dry-drop" tandem rig, with a sulphur spinner on top, and the emerger on the bottom.
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I prefer a Yard's Jefferson Ale to Guinness as part of my fly tying material. Seriously though, nice fly, I'll have to give it a try


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I prefer a Yard's Jefferson Ale to Guinness as part of my fly tying material. Seriously though, nice fly, I'll have to give it a try


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I prefer a Yard's Jefferson Ale to Guinness as part of my fly tying material. Seriously though, nice fly, I'll have to give it a try


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