Fly of the Month: J River Dirty Fry

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By Andy Wagner at PA Undercurrent Outfitters

Let’s get one thing out of the way right now. This fly is in no way an original. True, I gave it a name. It’s also true that I came up with the color combo through days of trial and error. But I still can’t take credit for its creation. Fly tiers are all bandits, me included. We’re petty thieves looking for any chance we can to rob another of ideas and designs. Innovation is something we rarely arrive at on our own. We pick pieces and parts out of fly patterns along the way to arrive at our own style. There are some among us who can claim to come up with these hot “new” patterns all by themselves. Honestly, I’m not that creative, so let me be the first to say that my fly patterns are stolen. Yep, I’m a thief and it feels good to confess my banditry.

The name of the fly indicates the water that inspired this streamer. Although I fish and guide the big name trout streams here in Central PA, the warm water of the Juniata River is my home. It’s where I caught my first fish and many of my most memorable fish since. Lately I’ve been daydreaming about the Juniata and smallmouth fishing in general. It might have something to do with the weather. Nothing makes a guy long for floating and wet wading a warm water river like 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

In these daydreams the weather is warm, the water is clear, and a buddy and I are floating the river. The bass are active in this little scenario of mine. They’re more than willing to eat a streamer ripped off the bank or through a mid-river bucket. We’re throwing a 1/0 Dirty Fry, and the smallies are blowing up in every likely holding lie.

This fly has been one of our most productive patterns over the last few years. Trophy bass of the Juniata are cannibalistic creatures. The sun is high, and we jockey back and forth from the rower’s seat to the front of the boat. In our boat, whether you have a hot rod or not, you’re bound for some time on the sticks. It’s the heart- thumping kind of streamer fishing we all enjoy, but as always it stays relaxed. Above the riffles and glides cigar smoke mingles with our philosophy and lies. The smell of the river is mixed with the aroma of fresh cut hay. The bass themselves are strong, fat, and sporting a lot of attitude of course. Who would dream of anything else?

Andy Wagner was born, raised, and now resides in a village conveniently located between the smallmouth of the Juniata River and the brown trout of Penns Creek. When he's not fishing, tying, or guiding he works at his barber shop for gas money.
The video is too fast and poor quality ,cannot see the material name that he is using
Nice fly though
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The video is too fast and poor quality ,cannot see the material name that he is using
Nice fly though
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The video is too fast and poor quality ,cannot see the material name that he is using
Nice fly though
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Cool streamer - glad you prefaced your post. I fall about right in the same mindset as you when it comes to fly design. And though I am pretty good at blocking out other "celebrity" antics some people pull, the fly design rip offs are something that really bother me...:) Thanks for sharing, best of luck in your venture..
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Cool streamer - glad you prefaced your post. I fall about right in the same mindset as you when it comes to fly design. And though I am pretty good at blocking out other "celebrity" antics some people pull, the fly design rip offs are something that really bother me...:) Thanks for sharing, best of luck in your venture..
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Cool streamer - glad you prefaced your post. I fall about right in the same mindset as you when it comes to fly design. And though I am pretty good at blocking out other "celebrity" antics some people pull, the fly design rip offs are something that really bother me...:) Thanks for sharing, best of luck in your venture..
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Looks like a nice tie. I tie something very similar and articulate it. I thought video looked fine.
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Looks like a nice tie. I tie something very similar and articulate it. I thought video looked fine.
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Looks like a nice tie. I tie something very similar and articulate it. I thought video looked fine.
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I like that the tying was sped up, but you could leave the display of materials up for a longer period so people would not have to pause. I don't like to watch real-time tying because we know it takes time to wind thread. Just slow down the display of materials and leave the rest at high speed and I think you are onto something.
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I like that the tying was sped up, but you could leave the display of materials up for a longer period so people would not have to pause. I don't like to watch real-time tying because we know it takes time to wind thread. Just slow down the display of materials and leave the rest at high speed and I think you are onto something.
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I like that the tying was sped up, but you could leave the display of materials up for a longer period so people would not have to pause. I don't like to watch real-time tying because we know it takes time to wind thread. Just slow down the display of materials and leave the rest at high speed and I think you are onto something.
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I loved the video and the imagery in the write-up. I worked for a few years in Belleville, PA and your descriptions of small mouth bass fishing the river warm my bones on this cold night. Thanks and here's to Penns Creek and the Juniata River!

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I loved the video and the imagery in the write-up. I worked for a few years in Belleville, PA and your descriptions of small mouth bass fishing the river warm my bones on this cold night. Thanks and here's to Penns Creek and the Juniata River!

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I loved the video and the imagery in the write-up. I worked for a few years in Belleville, PA and your descriptions of small mouth bass fishing the river warm my bones on this cold night. Thanks and here's to Penns Creek and the Juniata River!

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great quick video. I much prefer yours than the guys on youtube with 5" fingernails taking 30 min to tie a pheasant tail nymph with full commentary.

Nice thing about flies is that you can sub different materials in and out to "recreate" your own fly. You can basically figure out all materials in this vid just by looking at it. Some flash, marabou, barred marabou, ice chenille or estaz, saddle hackle, dumbell eyes, and wool. You could toss in some rubber legs, deer hair head, articulate it, etc to change it up. That's what I like about fly tying is messing around and finding what works for me.
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great quick video. I much prefer yours than the guys on youtube with 5" fingernails taking 30 min to tie a pheasant tail nymph with full commentary.

Nice thing about flies is that you can sub different materials in and out to "recreate" your own fly. You can basically figure out all materials in this vid just by looking at it. Some flash, marabou, barred marabou, ice chenille or estaz, saddle hackle, dumbell eyes, and wool. You could toss in some rubber legs, deer hair head, articulate it, etc to change it up. That's what I like about fly tying is messing around and finding what works for me.
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great quick video. I much prefer yours than the guys on youtube with 5" fingernails taking 30 min to tie a pheasant tail nymph with full commentary.

Nice thing about flies is that you can sub different materials in and out to "recreate" your own fly. You can basically figure out all materials in this vid just by looking at it. Some flash, marabou, barred marabou, ice chenille or estaz, saddle hackle, dumbell eyes, and wool. You could toss in some rubber legs, deer hair head, articulate it, etc to change it up. That's what I like about fly tying is messing around and finding what works for me.
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