FLy lines to use on the coast.??



New member
Oct 16, 2007
Hey guys, I have decided on getting the TFO 9wt ticrx,was saltwater fly line do you guys sue or recommend? I will use this year round. Show I get a floatign lien vs full sinking or a sinking tip? I will be targeting stripers,blues,seatrout mainly, maybe flounder..if i cna get one with fly rod...Oh yeah I will be relocating to Wilkes Barre, PA in middel of January and your help will be appriciated on where to fish for trout. thanx.
While I'm sure there are some on this board who have fished the coast, I recommend also asking that question on as well. These guys fish nothing but salt most of the year. With that said, I use an intermediate line...its a slow sinker but it gives me some versatility without having to buy three different lines for the kind of fishing I only get to do for one week a year. I bought an Orvis clear intermediate for half price about a year ago. I also have a floating for that rod but I haven't used it at the beach. It will also make a difference if you are fishing from a boat, jetty or beach, what you will want. I think sandfly does some fishing in new jersey so you'll probably be hearing from him soon. Good luck its a blast...
I use the RIO VERSI-TIP on the same rod you are getting.

This line has 15' interchangable heads - floating, intermediate & 3 wts of sinking heads. It was recommended to me by Mr. Clouser and it has worked great. It was approx $125, but that is for the same fishing capabilites a 5 lines. The purchase of a good floater & intermediate will cost you that much. There is no purchasing or carrying of extrea spools just the wallet that comes with the line to carry the extra tips.

I have used this line in all seasons in both salt and fresh(muskies) and it has been an adimirable performer.
A intermidiate and a 24' quik sink all you need normally....after some time you might want to go with a shooting head or 2...I make my own lines for the salt..120ft.running with different heads attached....check they can help you..