Fly Fishing with Google Maps

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Lewis and Clark explored the lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase starting in 1804. William Clark hand mapped their journey and his base map provided much of the information for the western expansion that took place during the nineteenth century.

Having concentrated my studies in digital cartography during college, Google Maps is one of my first bookmarks on my menu bar and enjoy how easy it is creating my own maps. Google Maps is an wonderful base map for me to plan vacations, photography spots and ventures in fly-fishing. It is very easy to create custom map points that allow you to add notes, links, pictures and more.

I have my own private fly-fishing map with all my fishing spots, camps, restaurants and points of interest related to fly fishing. I keep records of all the streams I like with notes on where to park, GPS locations and sections I like to frequent. This is a big time saver and keeps my fishing locations journaled in one location. I keep a wish list of streams I have yet to visit and change those map points once I finally hit those streams.

I also use this map to plan all my trips. I can figure out distances, times, food stops and best directions based on a few streams I might try and hit. Google driving directions can be pulled up then emailed or printed before I leave.

It is amazing to me what can be done with these maps and how simple it is to mange the information once you get started .

To get going log into Google and then over at Google Maps you will find a link to My Maps in the upper left hand corner below Google Maps Search. Once selected you can browse other maps or get started by creating your own. As you name you map, three new buttons appear in your new map and then you can begin by adding new map points with the middle blue icon.

Google provides several different map points that you can change or add your own. Once you select a new map point it can be moved around and positioned anywhere on your map. There are several types of text you can add in the description. Very simple and straight forward to play around with as you get started. Save and done buttons help make sure you keep the locations you are creating.

The maps are always there as you log back into Google Maps. They can be modified, printed, emailed and embedded into websites. Maps can be shared with others and even worked on together. The only real downside is you need to be connected to the Internet to get access. Newer smart phones and making it easier to get around this issue.

Your next fly-fishing trip does not have to be a Lewis and Clark expedition, but with Google Maps it will make that trip to the Yellowstone River that much easier.
I like how the "Secret Stream" is marked with a flame icon.

Spot Burn!!!!1111111

Lol. :-D
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I like how the "Secret Stream" is marked with a flame icon.

Spot Burn!!!!1111111

Lol. :-D
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I like how the "Secret Stream" is marked with a flame icon.

Spot Burn!!!!1111111

Lol. :-D
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This must appeal to the dorky engineering types.
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This must appeal to the dorky engineering types.
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This must appeal to the dorky engineering types.
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Akid, I am a geek not a dork.
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Akid, I am a geek not a dork.
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Absolutely love it! Great run down of a great program. Will any of the GPS's (Tom-Tom/Garmin) upload favs into Google maps and likewise export from Google maps to the GPS?
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Absolutely love it! Great run down of a great program. Will any of the GPS's (Tom-Tom/Garmin) upload favs into Google maps and likewise export from Google maps to the GPS?
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Absolutely love it! Great run down of a great program. Will any of the GPS's (Tom-Tom/Garmin) upload favs into Google maps and likewise export from Google maps to the GPS?
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Thanks Dave. Folks might also be interested to know that Google Earth is now available through Google Maps - just click the "Earth" button in the upper right. I think you might need a plug-in for your browser to make it work. Google Earth provides pretty neat aerial photographs and is great for scouting fishing locations.
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Thanks Dave. Folks might also be interested to know that Google Earth is now available through Google Maps - just click the "Earth" button in the upper right. I think you might need a plug-in for your browser to make it work. Google Earth provides pretty neat aerial photographs and is great for scouting fishing locations.
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Thanks Dave. Folks might also be interested to know that Google Earth is now available through Google Maps - just click the "Earth" button in the upper right. I think you might need a plug-in for your browser to make it work. Google Earth provides pretty neat aerial photographs and is great for scouting fishing locations.
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Dave. Great video. It was a pleasure to meet you.
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vcregular it was good to meet you as well!
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