Fly Fishing with George Daniel



Feb 22, 2022
Northern Virginia
This October I have a half day with George Daniel. I've read his books and blogs and watched his videos so I am very excited to spend a few hours on the water learning from an expert. I'm curious if anyone else has had an opportunity to spend time fishing one on one with George. How did it go? Besides maybe wanting more time with him, anything you'd recommend? My only expectation is to be a sponge and learn as much as I can.

A few years ago I ran into George on the WB Delaware. He said hi and asked how is the fishing. I said "not much in the catching ". He said "me either". Friendly fellow.
George is a great guy, very nice. He is modest and patient and you will learn. You'll have a good time. I used to speak with him often when he was at TCO and other places around State College. He has time for everyone. As his expertise and fame has grown I don't run into much.
George is a great guy, very nice. He is modest and patient and you will learn. You'll have a good time. I used to speak with him often when he was at TCO and other places around State College. He has time for everyone. As his expertise and fame has grown I don't run into much.

My buddy and I had him guide us on Penns about 10 years ago. Our goal was to learn a few new techniques. I've fly fished 97% of the time in fresh and salt water for over 3 decades, but we all can learn from those who know more than we do, if we are open to learning. He quickly took my wet fly fishing from 0% to very productive in a few casts! I now have a much better understanding of cause and effect while fishing wets. He also added a few tricks to my streamer fishing.

George was gracious, smart and a pleasure to be with.

I saw him a year later when he was doing a tying demo at A&G Outfitters near Scranton. He remembered me and was, again, kind and personable.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am definitely excited to spend some time on the water with him. As the saying goes, he has forgotten more than I know.
Let us know how it goes. George is one of the people I intend to hopefully have guide me. The other is Josh Miller.
This October I have a half day with George Daniel. I've read his books and blogs and watched his videos so I am very excited to spend a few hours on the water learning from an expert. I'm curious if anyone else has had an opportunity to spend time fishing one on one with George. How did it go? Besides maybe wanting more time with him, anything you'd recommend? My only expectation is to be a sponge and learn as much as I can.

I met George’s brother Chris a couple years ago while fishing the Madison just outside West Yellowstone. One thing that I remember Chris saying was that George outfished him all of the time whenever they fished together.

Here’s a brief bio of Chris that I think you’ll also find interesting.

My son took Mr. Daniel's fly fishing course at Penn State last spring. He enjoyed it and thinks very highly of him.
Does George do group sessions, or is it just one on one
Nice guy, I've run into him on Spring Creek a couple times. His YouTube videos are really informative.
I know George from when he was at TCO in State College. He is top notch, as good as they come in all respects.
Let us know how it goes. George is one of the people I intend to hopefully have guide me. The other is Josh Miller.
Josh is one of the nicest people in the world. Like... oddly nice. I actually at one time there was something wrong with him. One time, him and I, were fishing a comp together in Georgia. We were riding back from a venue to our cabin and I said to him.

Me: "Josh, I always thought something was wrong with you".
Josh: "What do you mean, Becker?"
Me: "You are way too nice. No one is possibly as nice as you are. I thought there was legit something wrong with you, but I have realized you are just an oddly super over the top nice person".
Josh: "Well thanks Becker"

Then we just laughed.

If you get the chance, get out with Josh and George. Well worth the money spent.
FYI, he puts his pants on just like you do. Keep an open mind, learn as much as you can and enjoy.