Fly Fishing Saves Lives



Mar 28, 2016
Yesterday I decided that I would fish Saucon Creek mid morning before the eagles game. I figured I could get some good fishing in while enjoying the fall foliage. I stepped out of my car, took my time rigging up when a man parked right next to me. He walked up to me and asked if the area around the creek was private and told me that he was going to hunt on it. I told him that I am pretty sure it's private (not really knowing) and that cops frequently visit the parking lot just to make him aware. We ended up talking for 5-10 minutes about the surrounding land. He headed off into the woods and I didn't think much of it until I realized it was Sunday and that it's illegal to hunt. I thought to myself, "This guy is blatantly hunting on someone's property on a Sunday." I decided I was going to call the cops on my stroll down the creek.

Little did I know about 20 yards down by a bridge I stumbled upon an older gentleman who overdosed on medication. To say that he startled me was an understatement. The way he was propped up against the wall of the bridge, I wasn't able to see him until I was about a foot away. My first thought was that it was just some drunk, but then I saw an empty pill bottle and a half empty soda bottle right next to him, and two letters strapped to his chest with tape. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I stared at him for 10 seconds thinking to myself, this dude is dead! I looked at his stomach to see if he was breathing and I noticed that he had very labored breathing. I called the police immediately who arrived within minutes. When they arrived to the scene they seemed very relaxed and calm (probably because they've seen this many times before), while I was pretty anxious telling them the story. They took down my information and told me that I was free to go. I ended up fishing for a couple hours after that wondering what happened to this guy. I did hear an ambulance down the road so I am assuming they picked him up. Whether he lived or not I don't know but it something I'll never forget. If the gentleman did end up surviving, he's lucky that he chose an area where I like to fish or else I think he would have been a gonner for sure.

Fly fishing saves lives
What did the notes say?
I'm not sure but I am assuming they were notes for his loved ones or people that he cares about. I was honestly too freaked out to get close enough to read them. They had to have been some sort of suicide letter. I told my fiancé what had happened later that day and now I will always have a good reason to go out and fish! :)
Nice job on the 911 call. I hope you saved his life. I once heard that if you saved a life you were responsible for that life.
How was the fishing?
Tricos were coming off most of the morning, but only saw a rise or two. I was able to catch a couple on a green caddis pupa and a BHPT.
Just curious...what kind of soda was he drinking?
Brady -

Kudos to you. I neither have nor want a cell phone, but your use of yours is one of the benefits of having one. I certainly hope/imagine that you did save the man's life. Good for you.
rrt wrote:
Brady -

Kudos to you. I neither have nor want a cell phone, but your use of yours is one of the benefits of having one. I certainly hope/imagine that you did save the man's life. Good for you.

You don't have a cell phone?!...for real!
Wow that is an amazing story!!! That has to be the weirdest start to a fly fishing trip of allllllll time. Hopefully the gentlemen lived and is able to find the help he needs. If he didn't, well, he at least picked a beautiful place to leave this world. I can only be so lucky but to pass sitting next to a trout stream......hopefully when I am much older though.

As for the property along the creek that guy was making a double whammy there. It's almost all City Of Bethlehem Property (The wooded area at least) and the are NOT hunter friendly people at all. Sunday just added. That guy was a complete idiot.
He didn’t seem too intelligent (the hunter), he left by the time the police got there for the other gentleman who OD’d so I am assuming he didn’t end up hunting there. When I returned to my car his car wasn’t there either. But I would have had no problem calling the cops for a second time that morning if I knew for sure he was hunting there. Last thing I want is for him to shoot me while I’m fishing!

The gentleman was drinking Pepsi. He finished about half of it and was sitting next to a large empty bottle of Metformin (Anti-Diabetic Medication). When I got back to my car several hours later the Pepsi bottle was the only thing left out of the whole fiasco. I am assuming the ambulance picked him up.
I ran into a doctor on my way back to my car as well and I mentioned the story briefly and he said hey get people in the ER like that gentleman all the time. Unfortunate