Fly Fishing Maine



Sep 9, 2006
Going to Maine this Spring week before Memorial day.
Anyone ever been?
Will be staying in the Greenville area/ Moosehead Lake.
Still want to fish streams as well.
Any advise, weather, stream conditions what to except etc.
Will b appreciated.

Thank you
Steve 98
Eat a lot of raw garlic.... that way you sweat it out and the black flies don't bite you to death. This was the best tactic we used when I led trail crew up in Baxter State Park.
When is the peak black fly season in Maine?
From my experience back in 2005 and 2007, May-June. They cleared up by July. No-see-ums were also pretty terrible. But Maine's worth it.
"When is the peak black fly season in Maine?"

Its been my experience that any time I am there is peak time. I am not going this year so you should be good :>). Otherwise I would say any time from January 5 through December 15

Only kidding have a great time.

I take a travel box with me with a dozen or so flies. R. Wullf's size #12: Adams #14: Mickey Finns #10: Grizzly King #10 and believe it or not Black Gnat #14.

The brookies dont seem to be too particular, though they do seem to have an eye for the wullf.

Rest assured they will be slamming what you dont have.
I'e been fishing the Rangeley Area for many years.I would start by buying a Maine Gazeteer.Also google the streams you want to fish for info.If it's your first trip,I would invest in a good book about fishing in Maine Bring a head net if the bugs get too aggrssive.

Thee's a fly called a "golden retreiver".I would suggest you have a few
How effective is the raw garlic trick? Will it keep you from being bitten? 100%
i buy the bug dope from the local stores - it works some.

locals say that no dope will work 100% for any flatlanders - their bugs up there like soft blood ;-)

i recommend the book, "Flyfishing Northern New England" and check out the local fly store.

Mickey finns and White Ghosts work well for landlocks and brookies, as do picket pins.

drop Don Bastion a line, he knows that area very well and has some local tyes he does.

I'd say mid- May to Mid-June is the black fly month. Then after that is the mosquito month. You want to fish both the East Outlet and the West Outlet of the big lake, and Roach River, hike down from the bridge on all 3. Fishing the lake is problematic unless it' ice out. At ice out, approximately May 1 the smelt are running and people fish from canoes along the shoreline for big brookies and land-locked salmon(Salmo Salar sebago). Use of old style wet flies is the norm for that type of fishing. Most of the summer there isn't much lake fishing for cold water fish except around the mouthes of creeks and rivers.
If you get a chance go up to the Golden Road and turn right there, follow the West Branch Penobscot to below the dam. there are some big salmon there. Possibly big brookies too.
Give the Maine Guide Fly Shop a call or find the guy at one of the Fly Fishing Shows.
The raw garlic trick was our best defence. We worked on the trail crew, so we were out all day in them. It wasn't too bad after late June. Don't wear deodorant or anything that has a strong smell. It isn't too bad.....usually overblown by people who never spent a day out in the woods. Maine's a great state. Enjoy it! The golden road is great...the Penobscot has some great fish in it. Baxter state park is well worth the visit....if you make it into Millinocket grab a pint at the Blue Ox. One of a kind joint.
Nesowdehunk Falls on the Penobscot was always a favorite place of mine to see and fish.