Fly fishing magazines

  • Thread starter FishingCreekEmerger
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Mar 31, 2009
Hi guys, I usually subscribe to American Angler and Fly fisherman magazine. I just realized that both have run out. What are you guys reading if any? I am beginning to feel mags are a bit of a rip off anymore. Way to many adds, and the cost for issue ratio keeps climbing. Most info is usually useless for my fishing locations. I will admitted though that I love looking through them and catalogs as well. I think most of us can rely on the web for most info we seek as well.
The Drake is incredible both for the read and the photos. Also look into some online reads like Southern Culture On the Fly, Catch Magazine, Montana Fly Fishing, and a few others. Southern Culture is a killer read and I anxiously await every new issue.

Good Luck and Happy Reading
I used to subscribe to a bunch, now I just browse through them in the bookstore and if there is an interesting article I will buy it. I will say I predominately buy Eastern Fly Fishing and Fly Tyer Magazine though.
I used to subscribe to American angler and fly tyer years ago. But let them go for the same reasons you state. I have started looking at fly tyer mag again pretty regularly lately.
Over the years I've subscribed to FFM, Rod & Reel, Eastern Fly Fishing, and others. For what it's worth I think Fly Fisherman is still the best of all the FF magazines. It was the first coming out way back in the late 1960's. It is still a quality magazine with lots of "how to" articles for newbies and more experienced fly fishers. My pet peeve with FFM, and most every other fly fishing magazine, is their penchant for spot burning. Some of the streams they report on are on the small side and I doubt if they can withstand a lot of pressure from a zillion guys who read the article and decide to descend on that particular stream.

I don't think it's necessary to provide detailed maps of the area showing river access points, naming pools, and hot spots. I thought half the fun of fly fishing was spending some time on the water and locating these places on your own.
I'm not crazy about any of them anymore.
Currently, I receive fly fisherman. And that's only because, after I let my prior subscription expire for awhile, they offered a renewal rate of $20 for 2 years
eastern fly fishing, fly tyer and Hatches magazine.
Paraleptalata was spot on. The Drake is easily the best FF magazine in print. Fly fish Journal is another good one, but expensive. Southern Culture on the Fly is awesome as well and just released a new issue.
"Pennsylvania Angler and Boater" by the PFBC is a bargain. Not every issue is a good one, but if you fish PA waters, it often has valuable information in it. I think it's something like $12 a year (print) and if you buy your extended license, the digital version is "free".

I would like to see some new tyers featured as some of the flies Charlie Meck has been tying just don't look that great. The scud pattern in the last issue was relatively unimpressive. Not knocking on the guy as he's done a lot for our sport, but there are a lot of great tyers out there who would probably contribute.
The Drake, Fly Rod & Reel, and Flyfishing and Tying Journal are the 3 I still subscribe to. I gave up on FFM and AA because they continue to use beck photos. I liked AA when I bought it.
I like the print magazines; I do not enjoy reading online mags -- my age, I guess.
Lol yeah Barry and Cathy are kind of neighbors. I know most issues have several of their photos. I also was a bug AA fan when Bob still owned it.
OK well I went all out. I cancel led NY game and fish, ff mag and american angler. I picked up eastern ff which I have read before, fly tyer and Drake. The magazine company I used then threw in AA again for free. I should know for sure what I like or not after this year. Thanks guys.

Oops and Saltwater fishing was 12.95 for 12 issues so I got that too. :)
Trout, Eastern Flyfishing, Playboy

Just joking on that last one! :roll:
I read Eastern Fly Fishing and The Drake. I subscribe to EFF and buy The Drake at the bookstore. EFF is a good all-around read and they publish 3 versions of each issue based on location North East, South East, and Midwest. You'll get the version that you live in, but you can access the others online if you're a subscriber. It's like a 3 for 1 deal. The Drake has good articles and amazing pictures, it is not much of a "how to" or "location guide" type magazine which is a nice change of pace.
American Angler, Fly Rod & Reel, Eastern FF and Fly Tyer.

I really really like the UK Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Journal but can't get it here anymore.

Eastern Fly Fishing, Fly Tyer, and Hatches.
Eatern Fly Fishing is pretty good.
I have a subscription to Fly fisherman but to be honest, it mostly bores me. I find better articles and instruction online.

The only two I will purchase without question are The Drake and Fly Fusion.