"Fly-fishing lures all sorts of people" article.



Active member
Jan 2, 2007
CNN Article

I found this part interesting:

The Wildlife Service estimated that fishing was a $40.6 billion industry in 2006, and a 2004 Harris poll identified it as the fifth most popular leisure activity in the country, ranking just below movie watching and just above computer-related activities.
Recent poles and studies I've seen recently indicate a continuing trend in the decline of number of anglers. PA lisence sales have dropped from over 1 million in 1990 to 729 thousand last year. Similar drops in the number of fly fishers have also been published. I can believe the business numbers, I think it's a matter of the hard core spending more and more on top end equipment, boats, guides, travel, etc. If the current trend continues fishing interests will have less and less political influence. This really highlights the need to get youths exposured to the sport.