Fly fishing for generations into the future



Active member
Feb 27, 2016
Back in the 1930s, a few guys— the most well known being Joe Brooks, the guy who taught Lefty Kreh how to cast a fly—decided they wanted to keep on fly fishing in perpetuity. They concluded the best way to do this was to teach young people about conservation and fly fishing.

They figured every time one of these next generations of anglers caught a trout on a fly, it would be them catching it too.

Adults can cannot fish, they can only teach fishing and swap fish stories.

Flash forward to the weekend after Mother’s Day and the annual youth fly fishing weekend these guys started in 1940 was held for the 82nd time (covid resulted in a lost year).

We had about 150 kids, including about a dozen who will transition to teaching fishing in the coming years (we never stop learning about fishing).

The Maryland chapter is the oldest, but we have strong organizations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and New York, as well as a small chapter in Virginia.

If you also have a desire to keep fishing in perpetuity, and you want to know more, send me a PM or visit

Our fly fishing instruction begins at 8 years old, but kids as young as 6 can participate as emergers, where they learn some fishing basics and almost always catch fish.

Picture is of some of the emergers from this year, who caught one of the biggest trout of the weekend.


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