Fly Fishing Fashion



Jan 14, 2010
So I am usually not that excited about Christmas presents that I can't fish hunt or fix things with but this year my wife got me something to wear that I really like. It is a fly fishing leather and silver brown trout bracelet. It reminds me during this cold upstate NY winter that hopefully spring is not that far away.

I had no luck trying to upload a photo ( computer challenged) but my wife got it on the ETSY site and if you are interested in seeing the bracelet you can search

This got me wondering if there are other fashion items that you guys like ?
I'm very particular about my fishing ensemble. That's why I've worn the same lucky flannel shirt for 30+ years - it's threadbare and patched and I hand-wash it only once a year to avoid unnecessary damage. I intend to be buried in it.

I'm also on only my 3rd fishing hat in the last 40 years ..... still have the others but they've fallen apart. Oh - and none of them developed the frayed bill syndrome. A critical part of my ensemble when wearing hip boots is an el-cheapo carpenters nail pouch around my waist to keep stuff in. Of course I dusted drab olive paint on it years ago so it's newness wouldn't scare the fish.

I also blotch-up my waders by placing leaves on them and then dusting camo paint around the leaves' edges - when the leaves are removed the resulting pattern makes the waders d*mn near invisible.

"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - Gilda Radner
I really like track suits... and fleece.
I don't own any fashion items except a wedding ring that I have not seen in 25 years. She may have pawned it. I don't even have a case for my cell phone. Wait, do suspenders count as a fashion item?
I have way too much camouflage clothing from 28 years of Army fun. I'm going to have to use it for something after I retire. Might as well be fishing.

If you see a drunk guy fishing in Crye multicam pants, chances might be good that it is me.

I won't wear the digital stuff (ACU) I am afraid it will give the fish seizures.
Cool bracelet. I've been looking for something like that. Not sure why. I've never worn any jewelry other than a wedding ring.

I just picked up a nice Sage "Chalkstream Cap" off STP for something like $16.00. I'll look like an English gentleman when I;m on the streams now. lol
He buys them with a stifado stain already on the front.
I figure out how to upload a photo. Here is the link
That's a cool concept. I'm not a jewelry person though.

My fly fishing fashion is the same as my everyday fashion.

Just a ball cap from The Feathered Hook, no frayed bill. Although it has permanent sweat stains and the smell is an intoxicating blend of deet, sweat, persistence, hope, frustration, and dread.
Back when neoprene waders first came out - in the mid '80's I believe - they were THE thing in flyfishing. ( this was right before breathable waders became popular) And I bought my first pair from Cabelas.
I was single at the time. And dated several girls, who - after seeing me in these tight, stretchy things - told me that they were rather sexy looking.
Guess that's about as close to making a fashion statement that I've ever been with fly fishing gear!
Two different people with a neoprene fetish ?