Fly Fishing Book Suggestions



Active member
Jul 23, 2011
As the cold weather season is upon us, I am looking for suggestions for good fly fishing books to read during the winter. I am looking for something like Joe Humphries - Trout Tactics, Datus Proper - What the Trout Said, Rich Ostoff - No Hatch to Match, Hughes Reading Trout Water, etc. I am not looking for books on tying.
Thank You
JMP, where do you live? I have Mike Hecks Spring Creek Strategies, Paul Weamers fly fishing the upper Delaware, George Daniels European nymphing, and Hatches II by Caucci and Nastasi. If you are near me, I would have no problem letting you borrow one. If you are not, I would highly recommend Mike Hecks and the rest.
The finest winter read I can think of is "The Vanishing Trout" by Charles Lose. You will learn nothing about tying nots or increasing your casting distance, but you can get that stuff anywhere. You will learn about the ways of mountain freestone trout and gain a second-generation conservationist's perspective on the land use practices in PA during the industrial revolution. Unfortunately, it's out of print so you must buy second or third-hand on-line. My wife spent about $70 to get me a copy for my birthday several years ago, but it was well worth it. It is one of the half-dozen or so books I pick up regularly for pure enjoyment.
Another in a similar or parallel vein: "Bodines, or Camping on the Lycoming" by Thad UpdeGraf. A fine Victorian frolic along the waters of the Lycoming Creek in NCPA. It could be subtitled: How to Have a Grand Time with your Pals while Camping Along a Trout Stream." The author was a brilliant physician and rennaissance man who highly valued his annual June camp-out fishing trips. This one is also on permanent night-stand duty. And, it is in print.
+1 on the 2 historic books, I've read them both a few times, it helps to put things in perspective of before stocking started. Another good book with some yarns is "Pioneer Life,Thirty Years a Hunter" by Philip Tome. This book is mostly about hunting NC PA when it was still big woods and virgin forest.

Thank you for the offer. I live in central PA. I am looking to purchase the books, but yours and other suggestions are appreciated. Mike Hecks Spring Creek Strategies and Hatches II by Caucci and Nastasi were recommended by others as well. I will purchase these two.
You won't be disappointed. Probably can get Mike's book through his site
Tups wrote:
Another in a similar or parallel vein: "Bodines, or Camping on the Lycoming" by Thad UpdeGraf. A fine Victorian frolic along the waters of the Lycoming Creek in NCPA. It could be subtitled: How to Have a Grand Time with your Pals while Camping Along a Trout Stream." The author was a brilliant physician and rennaissance man who highly valued his annual June camp-out fishing trips. This one is also on permanent night-stand duty. And, it is in print.

Are you sure it's still in print?
Books listed are good ones. I, being old, like quite a few of the older books and recommend them if you can find them.
A Modern Dry Fly Code -- Marinaro
Wonderful World of Trout -- Fox
Trout Madness -- Traver
William Schaldach's artsy outdoor books have nice fishing tales
any Gierach book
A Home on the Water -- Dennis
George Harvey memoirs -- Harvey. Shields
There are so many other good ones. One of the disadvantages of being old is that I have read many them and cannot look forward to reading them!
Good reading.
Last May I stopped by the Palisades section of the Tully to mainly take some photos of the stream. I took my flyrod along (just in case). I managed to get into one of those "chunky" Tully rainbows which I also took a snapshot of and I always liked the way the picture turned out so I attached it to this post. I caught the nice bow on a zebra midge dropped off the bend of a size 18 Griffiths Gnat tied with oversize hackle (I tie them with oversize hackle so I can see them better and use them as an indicator). This is one of my most productive Tully techniques that I use. While I was taking photos I met this really nice gentleman casting a whispy old bamboo rod. He asked me if I would take a few photots of him fishing and email them to him, which I gladly did. We got into a real great conversation about life in general and flyfishing. While we were talking he referred me to a book written by Henry Winkler (yeah, "The Fonz"). The book is entitled "I've Never Met an Idiot on the River", reflections on family, photography, and fly-fishing. Winkler is passionate about his fly fishing. So if you like photography, fly fishing and reading a book about a guy who generally leads a very fast paced lifestyle but uses his annual fishing trips to Montana fly fishing to come back to realty and experience what life is really all about you may enjoy this book. It surely was not exactly what I was expecting, but it is a very quick read and I really did enjoy it.


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Troutbert: your question caught me short and caused me to check on the publishing date of "Bodines." To correct the record I should say that I bought the book from you in 2009 and I see that it was reprinted in 1994 by Gateway Press, Baltimore MD. I wonder if you have additional copies for sale for the benefit of those who might wish to purchase.

Chaz: Though "Bodines" was certainly written prior to wholesale stocking efforts, the author of "The Vanishing Trout" was an outspoken advocate of trout stocking, particularly of brook trout. His attitude about browns was one of grudging resignation, realizing they served a purpose in warmer waters, but did not favor them. We should recall that stocking waters from hatchery sources was one of the cornerstones of the conservation movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is only relatively recently that a large segment of the environmental movement have turned against it. "Pioneer Life" is indeed a must-read. Another in that vein is "Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper" by E.N. Woodcock. And yet another: "A Pennsylvania Bison Hunt" by Henry W. Shoemaker, 1915. This last was reprinted in 2007 by Wennawoods Publishing, Lewisburg, PA.
If you haven't read Geirach, there's enough to keep you busy all winter. (I know it's cliche' but his books are good)
dubthethorax wrote:
If you haven't read Geirach, there's enough to keep you busy all winter. (I know it's cliche' but his books are good)

allow me to save you money:
buy one, read it.
wait a week, then read it again, but this time, in reverse order.
wait a week, then read it again, but this time you can start in the middle.
wait a week, then read it again, from the middle, but reverse.

now you've read his entire collection. you win.
for entertainment purposes only check out

Lee Wulff, the Compleat
The Fly Fishingest Gentleman

Both great reads!
gfen wrote:
dubthethorax wrote:
If you haven't read Geirach, there's enough to keep you busy all winter. (I know it's cliche' but his books are good)

allow me to save you money:
buy one, read it.
wait a week, then read it again, but this time, in reverse order.
wait a week, then read it again, but this time you can start in the middle.
wait a week, then read it again, from the middle, but reverse.

now you've read his entire collection. you win.

his treasury - Death,taxes and leaky waders, is the best value.

yes, many of his stories are the same but i like his old time, wry, narrative, plus his acceptance that being a bit odd is not a bad thing in the long run, lol.

I just purchased a stack of Gierach books on, some were better than 50% off. I bought a Groupon Coupon for $15 that gave me $30 in credit to shop. A super deal to be had!

I think I bought 5 books for the $30. And Free Shipping. If you have not signed up for groupon, it might be worth a look.
Tups wrote:
Troutbert: your question caught me short and caused me to check on the publishing date of "Bodines." To correct the record I should say that I bought the book from you in 2009 and I see that it was reprinted in 1994 by Gateway Press, Baltimore MD. I wonder if you have additional copies for sale for the benefit of those who might wish to purchase.

Tups, I don't think either "Bodines" or "Vanishing Trout" have been reprinted since the early 1990s Gateway Press edition.

I have one copy of "Bodines" left. This is the 1994 Gateway Press edition. Hardback. Condition: New. $50 (total, including shipping)

I also have 2 copies of Vanishing Trout, 1993 Gateway Press edition. Hardback. Condition: New. $50 per copy (total, including shipping)

I also have 2 copies of Vanishing Trout, first edition. 1931. Condition: very good. $75 per copy (total, including shipping)

If anyone is interested, send me a pm.
Bodines, or Camping on the Lycoming

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923.
Author: Up De Graff, Thaddeus S.
Binding Type: Paperback
Number of Pages: 302 Publication Date: 2010/10/15
Dimensions: 7.40 x 9.50 x 0.60 inches

SKU: UBM9781172242931

This book was also published recently by Nabu Press (September 26, 2011)
ISBN-10: 1246779064


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Google "Nabu Press" and read some of the commentaries.

Let the buyer beware. :-o

I was wondering if you still had the Bodines book by Gateway Press still available for sale. I am interested.