Fly Fishing around Newport News VA?



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
I gotta spend about 4 days camping at Newport News Park VA at the end of June. My wife's cousin and her family are visiting relatives in that area (they're from Jacksonville FL), so we're driving down to camp w/ them. The cousin's husband is also a fisherman. Trying to find good stream fishing, shore access, around that area. I know they have the lake in the park...not so interested in that. Any of you Virginia boys have tips on good stream fishing, smallies or trout would be great. I know about the James River. Seems huge and overwhelming to me!
Are you willing to drive from Newport News back to Charlottesville for trout? If not, it will be purely a smallmouth bass game on the lower James. If any of this appeals to you, I can provide further details.
Agree that the immediate area is a warm water game. Tidewater VA is big water and a vast area. A guided trip on the Bay would be an option and June should see lots of bluefish, specks, and other game in the general area.

When I lived down there, I fished the tidal James around Richmond and Jamestown by kayak a fair amount for LMs but it didn't always treat me very well - nor did the fast water sections of the river above the falls line for SMBs.
Rudy Inlet is another possiblity for a yakker and Sandbridge can be decent surf fishing.

I tried as often as I could to head down to the Outer Banks. This will take some drive time but is the best bet for a DIY FFer.

Don't skip the aquarium in Virgina Beach - very nice.
I'm open to smallies on the lower James, but I'd need wadable water. Hiring a guide ain't in my budget, unfortunately. Otherwise, I'd totally be down w/ it Dave.

I'm also willing to drive, but if the option is driving 2.5 hrs back to Charlottesville for trout, or staying closer and fishing for Smallies, I'll take the smallies any day. I'm just as satisfied w/ good smallmouth fishing as I am w/ good trout fishing.
If you have any dirty spin fisher gear to bring, the James in Richmond has schoolie stripers, gar, bass, and giant flathead catfish. I have a friend there who catches all of the above quite frequently, though I haven't been to the area myself. Otherwise, I agree with the smallmouth approach. If you change your mind about seeking trout let me know.
So, would the lower river by Newport News be good for smallies? Is it somewhat wadable? Looks HUGE on the map.

Sarce, how far of a drive are we talkin' for trout?
Down in Newport News it's tidal and probably almost fully saltwater. You're talking redfish and seatrout ("specks") down there. Smallies and other freshwater stuff will be near the "fall line" (basically the most downstream set of rapids) which is all the way up in Richmond. And I think the best smallmouth action is well upriver from there, but I could be wrong. Wild Trouter sounds like he's fished it, I haven't.

For trout your closest options are in Shenandoah National Park (N Fork Moormans) or the South River in Waynesboro, both 2.5 hrs away without traffic.

You could also try to find some local lakes or ponds for bass and probably pickerel.
Yeah...I figured it's brackish water down in Newport News, and several hours to trout.

Thanks for all the information Sarce (and others). I think I'm gonna scrap the fishing for this trip and just enjoy the time w/ the family.
Not a bad plan Squatch. Tough to do much down there without a boat.
From the interwebz:

Rowboat, canoe and paddleboat rentals are available from the Newport News Park Campsite Office. Fishing is permitted by permit in two large freshwater lakes.

A YouTube video shows a guy catching a nice bass from a canoe.

Looking at the lakes on imagery, they look like they would be good for bass and panfish.

I saw that, TB. It looks like it's all largemouth though, which are a bit of a bore (not much fight). Gotta consider whether its worth the money for a VA license and all that, and it's just not. I'd do it for amazing smallie/trout fishing. Oh well. That's ok. I don't need to fish everywhere I go!