I have been waiting for someone to mention. Don Bastian! Brilliant! Everyone that ties flies, wants to tie flies, enjoys the artform, interested in learning, dedicated to fly fishing, heart felt desire, right from the "BOSS" himself.
You got to check out: Bastian Flies.
I am a dreamer and of course shy 2 stone! Bubble Gum Machine, you know the one's with capsules. Flies in capsules! Why not! It would be cool to collect all those quarters!
I have found in life, a lot of nice people and i mean nice, that are willing to help out!. Businessmen or businessgals, with a desire for something new. Business card laminated with a streamer. A keepsake possession! Secret is they understand business, a normal charge is understood but a take advantage will never last!
Some way of a perfect transfer, from friend to friend! Do you see it! Gift that catches on! Believe me it is true! I have seen it first hand! With this, i will say, Thank you! Thank you for everything you did and do! Thank you for your kindness and as always, if i can help, i am walking fast, running is out now, too old!
Maxima12, P O Box 2, Muncy Pa. 17756