Fly desiccant


WV waver

Jul 18, 2023
Would anyone know if ‘fumed silica’ (like Fasco Cab-O-SIL, $12.99/quart) is a low cost alternative to products like Frogs Fanny & High n Dry powdered dessicant/floatant?

Had read about it in a blog called Save Quit Fish by fly fisherman Gary Alan. Had never heard of anyone using but could save big $$ if it works?
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Thanks. Is it same as the product I’ve seen people using brush to apply? Seems to be a white powder as well.
Thanks. Is it same as the product I’ve seen people using brush to apply? Seems to be a white powder as well.
Yup. Same stuff. I have a quart container and refill my old bottles. Some with a brush, yes. Probably will last a lifetime.
Fumed Hydrophobic Silica powder is what you want .
It used to be sold by the quart of dry powder.Very inexpensive
Fumed Hydrophobic Silica powder is what you want .
It used to be sold by the quart of dry powder.Very inexpensive
WV waver:

Pay attention to the advice above!! Not all FUMED silica is alike even though it may look alike and be sold as FUMED SILICA or an epoxy thickener.

There is hydroPHILLIC fumed silica and hydroPHOBIC fumed silica.

Like rancid waders said, you want hydroPHOBIC and CAB-O-SIL is NOT hydroPHOBIC.

FWIW - I have been using hydrophobic fumed silica as a Frog Fanny alternative for close to 20 years.

BTW - Hydrophobic fumed silica isn't a desiccant and shouldn't be used dry off wet flies. Flies that are wet should be dried first using something else like an Amadou patch, a piece of chamois or a rag or very fine silica gel crystals (like the type used to dry flowers) before applying hydrophobic fumed silica powder.

You might want to read this thread for more info including how I refill the little Frog Fanny bottles AND keep an extra supply with me back at the car for refilling an empty bottle before an outing:

Thanks so much! Appreciate it. Fellow on blog linked to Ca-Bo-sil.
Cab-O-Sil is hydroPHILLIC fumed silica.

It may work, but not as good or as long as hydroPHOBIC fumed silica.

You might find this of interest:

The more I read, the more I learn. Did not know that some of these products did not act as a desiccant and a floatant. Thanks again.
The more I read, the more I learn. Did not know that some of these products did not act as a desiccant and a floatant. Thanks again.

It sounds like a PIA, but what I have been doing forever is using two separate products, one to dry off a soaked fly and a second to dress that soaked fly.

I do this because a soaked fly will respond better to being dried BEFORE redressing than a fly that is dressed damp/wet or when using a product that is supposed to do both steps in one. In other words, my dried & redressed fly floats longer and closer to the 1st float than it does when taking a shortcut.

I also get more fish on a single re-drying & re-dressing meaning most of the time all I need to do after catching a fish is false cast a few times to dry off the fly before presenting it to another riser. I assume this happens because the fly wasn't waterlogged when I redressed.

I found another problem specifically with Frog Fanny or when using 2-in-1 products containing a mixture of Silica Gel crystals (a desiccant for drying) mixed with fumed silica powder. When you put a soaked fly in that mixture OR just retreat a damp/wet fly with Frog Fanny, some of the super fine powder gets embedded in the dubbing and eventually the fly just won't float very long.

For almost as long as I have been fly fishing I've used a product that appears and disappears from the market made by Cortland called Dry-Ur-Fly. Dry-Ur-Fly is super fine silica gel crystals that are small enough to make contact with all the surfaces of a soaked fly and dry it completely.

Larger silica gel crystals like the type found in electronics in those little packets is not fine enough so it just won't work as well as Dry-Ur-Fly. I THINK the silica gel crystals folks use to dry flowers is fine enough but I have a lifetime supply of Dry-Ur-Fly so I never investigated the floral stuff.

I keep mine in an ancient Orvis container with a much more securely closing lid than the container it comes in now. An old plastic 35 mm film can works good too. When my fly is soaked, I pop it in the crystals STILL attached to my tipper, shake the container a few times, take out the fly and flick off any crystals that stick to the fly with my finger and retreat it with Frog Fanny. If the fly is particularly soaked or slimed I may do it a second time.

Another great thing about silica gel crystals, they last forever. If they get waterlogged from many successive days of drying off soaked flies, you can spread them out on a baking sheet, pop them in a 200 degree oven and in about 10 minutes they are good as new.

An alternative to using silica gel crystals is an Amadou patch, a piece of chamois or a rag. I also use an Amadou patch but I still use the silica gel crystals afterwards because the patch by itself it isn't as effective as the crystals and if the patch gets soaked from repeated use, it is even less effective. However the combination of the two gives me a fly as dry as if I just took it out of my fly box.

Again, all of these steps may seem like a lot but the alternative if you take shortcuts is a fly that will start to sink after a few casts/fish, which means time wasted trying to get it to float again or cutting it off and tying on something new.
Just ordered this, will report back if it works. It was the only thing I could find that mentioned hydrophobia on Amazon and I'm too lazy to make sense of ms-dos-looking websites.
Just ordered this, will report back if it works. It was the only thing I could find that mentioned hydrophobia on Amazon and I'm too lazy to make sense of ms-dos-looking websites.
Noticed in the Amazon reviews of that product that someone is using it for dry flies too. I was searching for ones that are hydrophobic, big help, thanks. silica ...If I knew how to copy this link I would be dangerous..same product......They still have up their fishing page on the website. I can offer advice to wear gloves when transferring to a small container, It will dry your skin bad, turkey baster is optimal transfer device, and wear a dust mask if you open a quart of it. Have fun silica ...If I knew how to copy this link I would be dangerous..same product......They still have up their fishing page on the website. I can offer advice to wear gloves when transferring to a small container, It will dry your skin bad, turkey baster is optimal transfer device, and wear a dust mask if you open a quart of it. Have fun
This discussion piqued my curiosity enough to look around for it. I only saw one fishing-related comment on Amazon for one of the hydrophobics. I cracked up at the commenter's recommendation to "hold your breath when applying" while out on the water. Fly fishermen are a goofy bunch.
I started buying from them like 25 years ago when I found what the base product was. Their fishing page was up then, I knew i was at the right place
There was a LONG discussion including initial test results when the Frog Fanny code was cracked here on PAFF close to 20 years ago, including contributions by a few members no longer on the board.

I searched in vain for that thread the other day but couldn't find it so it may have been lost during the website upgrade or I am too stupid to find it...

The conclusion of that thread was hydrophobic fumed silica was what you wanted and Epoxy Products/Progressive Epoxy had the stuff which by the way was MUCH cheaper before the fly guys made the discovery. ;)

When you buy from Epoxy Products/Progressive Epoxy you get an MSDS so you can get as paranoid as you wish or if you want to make copies and hand them out to any fly anglers standing next to you when you apply the stuff... :p

An interesting link:

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That's what I use.
Nice to know but 3 quarts is way too much for me. Might even be too much for the local fly fishing club in toto. Heck, even the one qt. on Amazon would outlive me three times over.
Couple of years ago got a giant jug and freely hand out sandwich bags full to guys I fish with. Maybe some day I'll need to borrow a hot fly pattern from them 😉
I have a bag full of the stuff that I used to use way back in the day when I shot aluminum arrows with actual feathers on them. I treated the feathers to help keep them dry during periods of high humidity.

Today I use that bag to replenish my little bottles of desiccant that I carry in my sling packs while flyfishing.