Fly Boxes



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Anybody know of a good site or store where I can pick up some fly boxes for a good price? They are just so ridiculously priced everywhere I look. 65 dollars for a damn box that hold flys :::Shakes head::::
WOW, thanks Alb, they are really cheap. Think I will be placing an order.
Ya, those are about as cheap as anyone is selling them for. Since C&F lost their patent on a lot of designs there appears to be a Chinese factory cranking them out. All kinds of fly shops are buying them and putting their names on them and charging varying prices. Allen is the cheapest I have seen. I bought quantity on ebay to get a similar pricing.
Someone beat me to the punch. The ones from Allen are great. I didn't get mine from him, but I have probably the exact same one and I love it. The Allen Fly Fishing line of stuff is great. I can't wait to pick up some of his reels.
I got some boxes from and really liked the quality and price but more importantly they support "Project Healing Waters"

I've got some of the Flambeu Blue Ribbons, which were pricier than the cheap Cabela's foam jobs, but not as much as the C&F style.

That said, they're also heavy.

That said, what do people use for dry storage? C&F style? The Flambeus aren't too bad yout ake the leaf out, but they're still heavy and I find myself staggering things all over really cutting down the available space and "neatness" of it.
gfen wrote:

....what do people use for dry storage?

Pony up, big man. You know you want one of these...

One and a half Franklins should put you in good shape. :cool:

Spend $6 on a few clear plastic compartment boxes. If you do it right, you'll get interlocking ones.
That's where I've been going, with two interlocking boxes even. When I first started, it didn't seem that there was enough space, but I think I have a tendency to just want to carry too much junk and I've been finding myself streamlining lately.

Dare I say, the creation of a fishing necklace has me rethinking strategy completely.

HA: You'll remember I bought that generic compartment box at the show, used it a handful of times and decided it was too heavy and annoying. Its a shame, I dig the timelessness, but the reality is different.

Also, that box needs more polished walnut for me. Although, upon quick perusal, they don't seem to have double compartment sides in wood, and foam is so gauche.
HA: You'll remember I bought that generic compartment box at the show, used it a handful of times and decided it was too heavy and annoying. Its a shame, I dig the timelessness, but the reality is different.

Ya, I got a Cabelas metal compartment box that is regularly $60 for around $25. Still went back because those little doors were forever popping open. I guess that is the $125 difference, though I would not know as I can't pay $150 for one of those boxes.
Are the compartment boxes really that much better for dry flies?
The compartment boxes keep teh hackle from getting bent.

Spend the money on a Down's system, you wont regret it. (I have 2)
compartment boxes....have always been a fan of the Wheatley's and have a couple. I like that the individual lids prevent spilling everything if you happen to be clumsy out on the stream. I've had a 16comp w/ foam in the lid for about 15yrs now, it's my goto box, and not as pricey as the big dog 32 compartment:

I keep it handy in the shirt pocket w/ other boxes of backup specialty flies residing in the pack. Picked up a CF compartment box this spring, also with foam in the lid...I like the Wheatleys better.
sandfly carries a compartment box that is plastic with seperate lids, plus some have foam in the lid for nymphs and wets. Got 2 this year and will getting more soon. will hold large drys up to size 8
I have a few Dewitt boxs. They come in in bunch of different sizes and configurations. They are not very expensive and are almost unbreakable. Some people dont like them because of the single lid but it has never been a problem for me. Alot of the fly shops stamp their name and logo on these so you might not find them listed under Dewitt.

by wsender on 2010/9/17 6:57:54

"Are the compartment boxes really that much better for dry flies?"

I think so. Hackle and wings dont get crushed in the compartment box's, and they will hold more flies. The C&F microslit is ok for a small range of dry fly sizes but will crush the hackle of dry flies over a 14. They are also to narrow, so the hackle gets crushed from the top when the box is closed.

Good luck, Tony
My buddy mark put me on to these for drys, really cool and cheap.


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Sandy, looks like thats a good compromise box...That slit foam in the lid?
I agree with Mkern spend your money on a "Down's" chestbox or better yet a "Richardson" if you can afford one. I have both and am quite satisfied. You will never have to worry about losing your flybox and won't have to chase it down the stream after you drop it in the water. LOL!