Flouro tippet



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
I just ran across Airflo's Sightfree G3 Fluorocarbon tippet. Seems to have excellent strength at the smaller diameters (although they don't report actual diameters, just X size). Also its pretty cheap as it come in 50 and 100 meter spools for what you might pay for 25 meters in other brands.

Anyone have experience with G3?
I've used it and love it... can you pm me the sale?
I ordered some 6 and 7X. I'll post a review once I've tried it.

PM sent
Tiltaxp wrote:
I've used it and love it... can you pm me the sale?

Haven't used it but want to move towards fluoro for my nymphing. Can i get that same PM?
How about we make this a "Public Message" instead...

E-Bay Link

There are two UK based sellers offering buy one get one free on this tippet at the present time. One seller offers 50 or 100 M spools, the other only offers 100M. I bought a 50M spool of 7X and asked the seller to make my "get one free" 6X.
just my .02 $ . I would strongly suggest buying 1 spool (all pitch in who are interested ) and mic the tippet to check for diameter. This is very important believe it or not . If you buy x company 5x it might mic out at say .007 and be rater at 4lb break . If you buy company Y tippet their 4x tippet might mic out at .007 and be 7 lb break. The thinner the tippet diamet and higher break strength means 2 thing - 1) You can fight fish quicker , better for fish and more time trying to catch another ! . 2 ) the thinner diameter cuts through the water faster and gives less drag on the tippet . Is it wise to buy a $200 reel and skimp on the tippet ? this is all just my opinion . Your mileage may vary and i say use whatever u think works !
pretty close w/ rio flouroflex...

I'll mic this tippet when I get it. I know some manufacturers kind of fudge the X number which is supposed to be 11 minus diameter in thousands of an inch.

This tippet is really strong for the small 5-7X sizes, but that is meaningless if they are fudging the X number.
Just ordered some as well, thanks for the link.
alby thats a smokin deal if its the "right" diameter . I would be curious to hear the reports on it including how supple it is for use with small flys nymphing and drys . Alot of tippet is small per diameter but really stiff and wirey . good luck
It's amazing how these companies take advantage of niche markets like fly fishing. I also use Seaguar Red Label fluorocarbon line and as a tippet with braided line on some of my spinning equipment. It is excellent fluoro. I get the 6lb (.008), 8lb (.009) and 10lb (.010) in 250 yard spools for around $10 a spool. Some of this tippet material cost that for 25 yards.
I got my tippet today. The seller did not give me one 7X and one 6X as I requested, rather he gave me two 50m meter spools of 7X. The tippet measured 4 1/2 thousands according to my micrometer, which technically makes it 6.5X (11 minus diameter in thousandths = X#). Not bad for 3 pound breaking strength. I don't have a tensile tester, but I did break it in my hands and it feels like every bit of 3 pounds.

If someone else gets two of the 6X, I'd be happy to trade a 7X for a 6X.
I two received two 7xs! Lol I asked for a 6x.
I asked first...
I ordered the 5x. Still not a believer in fluoro, but the price merits giving this a try. Wanted a 4x too, but didn't bother after alby mentioned his failure in diversifying his order.

If anyone gets 4x and wants to mix and match, let me know.
I fished the 7X Saturday. Tried it with my #18 BWO dry and also tried it with small nymphs. I liked the strength and suppleness of the tippet.

Jay, would you trade a 5X for a 6X if I get some 6? Did you get 50 or 100M spools?

Dryflyguy, PM me your address and I'll send you my extra 50M of 7X.
Sorry Greg, I don't foresee myself needing 100m of 6x out here. If I were still in pa, I would. 2 to 5x get heavy use for me, and I have yet to use anything lighter out here.
No problem Jay. Thanks for the quick response.