


Jan 2, 2010
Sailing down the stream, hopefully where a riffle dumps into a pool.
Small - 14 , grey
Medium - 12, tan
Large - 10 , brown
Already have my sulphurs
I like to use a peahen tail, it has a nice shimmer in addition to the mottled look
I used the lt ginger cree for the parachute


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Nice, I killed during the sulphurs with a pheasant tail body, little yellow dubbing peaking out, and a poof of cdc.
Yeah, the sulphur still survives up in your neck of the woods, I recall one particular spot I was watching them pop-up like clockwork in a feeding lane at the head of a pool, every fifteen seconds or so, sadly the trout were not as clued in. Now I just took them as sulphurs and fished them as sulphurs but being an imperfect entymologist they very well could have been some other bug, I'm hesitant to post any info here without empirical proof.
Nice looking tie Blue.
Thanks, just printed my license out, I'm all packed, saying goodnight to my honey, hitting the sack early for a long day out tomorrow.
Nice, I hope to take a certain rod for a walk at spring C. tomorrow myself. Good luck to ya.
Those are pretty ties BH! Hope the fish were smart enough to agree.
BH, I feel you sometimes I have a hard time differing between the pink cahills and the sulfurs.
It's all little stuff now Mike, I put those away for later, and I saw some new water for me while I got in my annual trudge through the tundra. A good day out and no fish were harmed.
It's all little stuff now Mike, I put those away for later, and I saw some new water for me while I got in my annual trudge through the tundra. A good day out and no fish were harmed.