

Active member
Apr 1, 2009
I'm not sure if this should be in here or another catagory but anyhow , did any of you ever try anything in the way of making your own floatant material , try taking the silicon gel packs out of shipped electronic parts , do a little crushing and mixing with various desicants , even kitty litter and you can come up with a pretty close to store bought mix , it works , try mixing up a large batch , one third of a one pound coffee can , for drying bass bugs like deer hair poppers and such , before you put the lid back on let it sit in direct sunlight a minute or two and what is left in the way of moisture will evaporate , always false cast as much moisture out of the fly before you drop it in the can and always false cast a few times to get rid of any excess powder , if you do this right there isn't much excess powder. 1/8 part silicone gel powder to 7 parts oil dri or plain clay kitty litter is a fair place to start The last time i bought drying powder it was from LOON products at a Gander Mountain it was $7.00 and that was a few years ago , i was impressed with how this stuff works and also impressive was the cost , at that time i was raising 2 little ones and money was tight.
Where I work, we got a piece of electronic equipment delivered . The shipping box had 2 rather large pouches of desicant balls inside. They look just like the ones that you see in the small containers at fly shops.
I grabbed them, and have been using them for a good while now.
And they work fine
Got a lifetime supply - for free
i`ve been wanting to try that,we get a lot of those desicant packs with parts being shipped in at work, i gotta try it now
by dessicant packs do you guys mean the 'do not eat' packets? The ones I see frequently are in giant industrail sized pepperoni bags (for pizza). think this would work?
Yes, that's it. The ones that seem to work the best for me are the little balls. I've also seen powdery looking desicants